First Night

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I wake up to the sound of crying which confuses me for a second. Why is there crying? Who is crying is the better question? Opening my eyes and grabbing my glasses I spot a baby monitor on the nightstand, and suddenly everything makes sense.

Virgil is crying! 

Quickly and quietly, I get out of bed without waking Logan and make my way across the hall to Virgil's room. I open the door to see my sweet baby standing in his crib and reaching for me as I make my way over to him.

"Hi, my baby boy. What's the matter, honey?"


"It's alright darling! There is nothing to fear with Daddy here."

I make sure he isn't hungry or need to be changed (A/N: Two-year-olds can be potty trained right? I know three to four-year-olds can so I don't know ignore me), before sitting in the rocking chair and grabbing a book.

"Does this look like a good book, kiddo?"

Virgil looked it over before nodding and snuggling up against me. I smile down at him and open the book to begin reading. The poor kiddo looked so tired and a quick glance at the kitty clock let me know it was just about 3 am. 

I adjust my glasses and my hold on Virgil before I begin reading. Slowly rocking back and forth, reading a childrens book at 3am feels oddly....good, like it's a natural thing.

I smile at my own thoughts while reading, not noticing Virgil's breath evening out or his body slumping against mine even more. Almost asleep but not completely.

I glanced down and see his eyes drooping, and silently hope he'd fall back asleep. After he does fall asleep and I give him a kiss, I put him back to bed and make my way back to my room and get back to my own bed.

I snuggle up to Logan and try to get some more sleep before we have to wake up. We plan on taking Virgil shopping and I am going to need all the energy I can get.

Knowing Logan, he'll try to plan everything by the minute and want to dress Virgil as proper as possible. I'll want to give Virgil all the time he needs and give him a chance to pick whatever he wants. I have a pretty good idea on Virgil's style just by what little clothing he had with him but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

Logan's arm tightening around my middle break me out of my thoughts, which make me realize I haven't gone back to sleep.

"Patton? Why are you *yawn* awake?"

"I was just checking on Verge Lo. It's okay, go back to sleep."

"Mmk. Night luff you."

I giggle and peck his cheek. Sleepy Logan is always so funny and cute. He's out like a light and I close my eyes with a smile still on my face. I let sleep take over me while still picturing Verge in cute little outfits and his own little smile.
....... ....... ....... ....... ..... .......
Hope you enjoyed💙
If you follow my one-shot book then you know about everything and again I'm sorry.
If not, don't worry about it cuz I'm doing better and am trying to get chapters out.
Thanks for understanding💙💜💚

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