The duck.

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This is a mini chapter! That means it's not a full chapter just a fun little side thing.  Logan'sPOV:
After the Princes left, we decided it was time for is to head home as well. We just had one problem.

There was a duck following Virgil.

"N-Now, now Virgil. We can't take ducks home! They belong in the park."

"B-But, Papa!"

Oh god stay strong Logan. Those are not real tears, that pout won't break you. Focus!

"Virge, honey, the duck has to-oh no."

Oh no is correct. As Patton was talking, the duck flapped its wings before nuzzling up against Virgil. He, of course, just giggled and hugged the duck back.

"Virgil, we-" "QUACK!"

The duck interrupted me!

"How dare-" "QUACK!"

"Listen here bird-" "QUACK!!"

I pinch the bridge of my nose realizing that I'm arguing with a duck. A duck.

I turn to Patton who just looks and me with a 'we can't leave it now' look. He knows we both are not going to like the outcome of this.

"Patton we can't take the duck home!"

¬¬¬in the car¬¬¬
"I can't believe we're taking the duck home!"

"Logan, you saw how attached to Virgil it is! And he loves the thing!"

"Duck is hungry Papa!" "Quack!"

"We really have to learn to say no more often."

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Hope you enjoyed!💙
Thank you to L0ST_1LLUS10N for giving me the idea!
It's not letting me @ them but huge thanks!💖

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