The Sitter pt.2

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Third Person POV:  

"Here is our cell phone numbers, the numbers to each school plus our extensions, we left money for food if you prefer not to cook today, we also left the car seat if you want to take him anywhere, he likes to play at the park down the road, um oh!! this is his friend's parent's, the Princes, numbers just in case they call to play."


"They probably won't since Roman is at daycare but you never know."


"Virgil's hoodie is in the dryer he likes it to be warm after he eats breakfast."

"Mr. Sanders."

"And if the duck gives you any problems just put him in the pen outside, he'll run around out there or swim in the little pool."


Finally Patton snaps out of it, realizing he's rambling. Logan seems amused, Daniel looks like this has happened before and little Virgil is looking up at him from where he is playing with Janus' cap. 

"Ah, I was rambling wasn't I?"

"It's quite alright, it happens every time a new parent leaves their child for the first time. You are not the worst parent I've had believe me."

"We are going to be late for work dear. We should get going."

Patton nods and squats down to Virgil's height. He holds out his arms and immediately his arms are filled with toddler.

"You be good for Mr. Daniel, Virgil, okay?" Logan joins in the hug, giving Virgil a kiss on his forehead.

"We will be home later, okay Virgil? We'll have dinner together and you can tell us about your day with Mr. Daniel."

Virgil nods and hugs them a bit closer. "Bye-byes Papa, bye-byes Daddy. Have good day!!"

After pulling away from the hug, Patton couldn't help but take a deep breath to calm himself down. He knows that this isn't a big deal, they prepared for this. Virgil understands that we aren't going to leave him forever, and Daniel is honestly the best of the babysitters they interviewed. Yet, Patton still felt nervous.

"We will be home this evening. Have a good day."

With that, Logan lead Patton out of the house and into their car. Virgil stood on the porch steps and waved as they drove off until he couldn't see the car anymore.

"How do you do it Logan!?"

"Hm? Do what?"

"Just... I don't know let it go? How can you be so calm about leaving Virgil for the first time?"

"Patton, it is taking every fiber of my being to not turn this car around and bring Virgil with us. I might just throw up with how nervous I am. I just know that this has to be done and that fretting over it won't make it better. I trust that Daniel will notify us if something were to happen."

"You're right. It just feels...icky leaving him, we just adopted him."

"Virgil is a smart baby, he knows we'll be back later in the day....but I do agree with you. I do feel kind of....icky without him."

The rest of the car ride is silent. Patton gets dropped off at his school and Logan goes to his, thus beginning their days as teachers.


"Okay Virgil. Back inside now. Your daddy and papa will be home later."

Virgil nods and follows Daniel back inside. Since the dads had to leave early, Virgil got to eat breakfast with Daniel.

"Do you want eggs Virgil?"


"Hmm, toast?"


"You can have yogurt?"



"Yessssss pweeeease."

At that, Daniel gets a nod that has him breathing a sigh of relief. Sure he has a lot of experience but his patience can only go so far. But Virgil is proving to be the most well behaved child Daniel has taken care of. Nothing like those Prince twins or the teen who is addicted to coffee.

Daniel shoos the duck outside, not questioning why the family decided on that as a pet, and turns back to Virgil.

Who is now wearing his bowl of cereal as a hat, giggling up a storm.

"My, my, my, little storm cloud. Trying to copy my style hm?"

More giggles was the answer.

After a bath and another bowl of cereal (that was fed to Virgil), Daniel settled them in the living room. Flashcards were spread out on the coffee table, along with some of those gummy fruit snacks.

"I know you're two and can't do much in terms of learning but I figured word association would be fun for you."


"Yes Virgil, these are paper," Daniel flips over a card, "do you know what this is?"


"And this?"


They got through majority of the animals, Virgil being the most excited about the snake and duck cards.

After lunch Daniel let Virgil play outside with his duck, still not understanding why the family decided that for a pet.

"Virgil, why do you have a pet duck?"

"Follow home so I keep."

"Ah yes.....of course."

Honestly it's better than the lizards and other creatures Daniel has seen. Probably the most creative pet to have indoors.

"Anyway, it's just about nap time dear. Let's get you into bed and rested up so you can play when your dads get home."

The tears came as a surprise. Virgil had been so well behaved Daniel hadn't expected a tantrum!

"Don wana!! No nap!!"

"Now Virgil-"

"No!!! Nonono!"



Daniel felt his left eye twitch. But he knew better than to get worked up, so he took a deep breath to steady himself and turned back to Virgil.

"Virgil Sanders. You will stop this behavior right now and you will take a nap. You have been such a good boy, what's gotten into you?"

Virgil simply rubbed his nose on his sleeve (gross) and reached up signaling that he wanted to be picked up. Once up, he buried his face in Daniel's shoulder and Daniel let so he could calm himself down.

"Are you going to tell me why you threw a tantrum?" A head shake.

"Are you going to be a good boy and take a nap?" A nod and a sniffle.

"Want me to read you a story?" Another nod.

After tucking Virgil into bed Daniel grabbed a book from his bag and sat down on the rocking chair next to his bed.

"I'll even let you wear my hat after you wake up. Now, this story is called The Ugly Duckling."

It's not the best but it isn't the worst💁
I'm doing this thing where I write a sentence or two everyday until chapters are finished with all my fics so that's probably why it's taking so long to get out chapters but if I don't do that I won't write at all so

Hope you liked it
Idk when the next chapter will be out but i have other fics to read if you're waiting
Should the next one be more family time or Logan and Patron's days at school?
Stay safe! Stay healthy! 💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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