Our Son Virgil.

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Oh geemalinny, he's perfect!

I tug on Logan's hand and we make our way over to the little storm cloud. He seems very engrossed in his book to notice us until we're standing near.

"Hiya!! My name is Patton, what's yours?"


"Uh my name is Logan. Nice to meet you."


I smile at him before sitting on the floor in front of him. Logan following suit after giving off his own smile.

"So Virgil, whatcha reading there?"

".....I just lookin' at the pictuwes...."

"I like doing that sometimes!" Just gotta keep smiling, he seems to be coming out of his shell. I nudge Logan so he can say something.

"Oh! Uh, how old are you Virgil?"

Virgil holds up two little fingers and I just want to give him the biggest snuggle of his life.

"My, that makes you a pretty big boy doesn't it?"

Awwww!! My Logie made him giggle!! Virgil had the cutest of smiles and the happiest giggle I've ever heard. I teach children for crying out loud!

We talked with Virgil for a while, getting to know him and what he likes. Asking him questions and him asking some too. All leading to the big one we need to ask him.

Logan looks at me in the eyes and gives a slight nod. I smile returning the action before turning to Virgil.

"Virgil? How would you like to come home with us?"

He seemed surprised, if his wide eyes and tense shoulders were anything to go by. What he said next however, surprised both Logan and I.

"You don' want me. I'm a handfil."

Before I could get a word in, Logan began to speak.

"Falsehood. We want you no matter what you have been told or believe. If you are a handful then it is a good thing that between the two of us, are four hands."

I love my husband.

Virgil looks to me and I grin, "It's true. We want to take you home with us! We chose you because we already love ya kiddo!"

Virgil still looks surprised but he nods still looking a bit unsure.

"I'll go let...whatever the name of the woman was in the front, know and get his file."

"Oh it was- aaand he's gone."

Logan gets up to go get the social worker and start the paper work while I stay with Virgil.

"Mr. Patton?"

"Just Pat works too bud. Whatcha need?"

"If you take me home, what do I call you?"

"You can call me Dad, or you can call Logan Dad if you want. I'll also accept Pat if you don't want to call me Dad kiddo."

He just gives me a tiny smile and cuddles closer to his plushie. He had set it aside during our conversation but now it's tightly pressed against his body.

"I like Dad for you....and maybe Papa for Mr. Logan."

"Aww kiddo!"

I scoop him up into a hug and hold him close to me. Virgil snuggles into my shoulder, wrapping his tiny arms around me the best he could.

"I hope you like your new home Virgil. Logan and I are going to do our very best to keep you happy."

"I already happy."

This boy is going to melt my heart.
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