Wakanda Forever!!!

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Angela pov

      We met Shuri, Agent Ross, the Queen, and Nakia outside on the way to the mountains. As we walked up the Queen stopped Nakia and asked," Are you sure this is the best course of action. The herb has been part of the Panther tribe for generations."

Nakia answered," It is the only way we'll have a chance to overthrow Kilmonger."

"If you think it is best than I will agree with your plan."

Before we continued walking the Jabari had some of their tribe surround us. I was about to raise my weapon, but Sharon grabbed my arm and said," Don't, we need to talk to them."

I let go of my weapon and leave it on my back, and the Jabari lead us to the leader.

       We went inside to see M'Baku sitting on his throne. As a sign of respect we bow, and Nakia says," Leader M'Baku, we came to ask for your help in saving Wakanda from a horrible ruler, and we came to offer you this," she holds up the herb to M'Baku.

He asks," What do I care about Wakanda?"

Agent Ross says," If I may..."

He of course was interrupted," If you say one more word, I'll feed you to my children!"

Ross' eyes widen, but the rest of us knew it was a joke of course, before M'Baku laughed and said," I'm kidding. We're vegetarians."

He stands up and says," And before you give me that herb of yours, follow me."

So, we walk behind him, we walk into a room and see...

Nakia pov

      T'Challa! He was lying in a bed of snow, but he was alive. M'Baku tells us," One of our fisherman found him in the water and brought him here. He's in a coma, but he's alive."

Shuri kneels beside T'Challa and says," We have to get him to my lab I can heal him."

M'Baku says," Go ahead, he'll be dead in seconds."

I try to think a way to help T'Challa, then the Queen has an idea, and says," Give me the herb."

I give it to her and she crushes the leaves in a bowl and pours it into T'Challa's mouth. Once she is done pouring she says," Hurry we must burry him, quickly."

So we cover him with the snow and wait to see what happens.

Wiccan pov

     While the Queen, Shuri, and Nakia do what they need, the rest of us turn around and do not watch. Kate says," I really hope their plan works, I can't think of what will happen if it doesn't."

Miles tells her," Come on Kate, you got to stay positive, everything will work out like it always does."

I add," Yeah, we've been through a lot in our years, we'll get through this."

Kate has a hint of a smile," Well, I suppose that does make me feel better."

Sharon says," You better feel better, it probably took Miles and Wiccan hours to learn how to copy what I would say in this situation."

Miles and I say," Hey!"

"Oh shut up you two, you know it's true."

Angela and Kate, I can tell, are trying to hold in their laughter. And before I could say anything T'Challa sits up suddenly and almost gives at least me a heart attack. We turn and see T'Challa was fully awake and was being hugged by his sister, mom, and Nakia. Sharon walks forward and says," It's good to have you back T'Challa."

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