The Endgame

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A/n Sorry I didn't update sooner I got basically grounded from fanfiction. But I saw Avengers Endgame on Thursday in 4DX 3D and it was awesome!!!!!! It was like I was in the movie and it was a nice first  only experience, but without further ado I present Avengers Endgame.

Sharon pov

         It's been a few months since Thanos snapped and wiped out half the universe. We met this new person named Carol, apparently she was another one of Fury's secrets no one knew about. She ended up going into space and to find and bring Tony back.

We all were waiting outside when she came back into the atmosphere. When they landed this blue woman was helping Tony off the platform, and he didn't look very good. Pepper immediately went to him and they hugged for awhile, then we headed back inside. I sat off to the side with Kate and Wiccan but close enough to hear everything that was said.

They were saying how they had found an energy signature made by the stones when Thanos snapped here on Earth on a distant planet. I immediately jumped to my feet," We have to go after him."

Everyone looks over to me and Tony asks," And do what exactly? We tried fighting him and we lost."

Dad says," Tony..."

But he's interrupted," Don't even start Rogers. You said we would fight any threat together and where were you exactly, off doing who knows what against the law. You said we'd fight together and lose together and you know what we lost, Rogers it's over."

He stops talking a moment before continuing," I-I lost the kid, we all lost. So it's time to move on, cause they're not coming back."

I stopped listening for a moment, but came back into focus when Tony ripped his arc reactor off and fainted. They quickly take him to the medical wing and we move to a conference room.

Wiccan pov

In the conference room the adults debate our options. Natasha says," We have to do it, we owe it to everyone that is not in this room."

Steve asks," I agree, we're going to find Thanos and fix this... no matter the cost."

So, with that decision we're off to space, well at least we thought we would be. Steve pulls Kate, Sharon, and I off to the side, and says," You three have to stay here."

All three of us exclaim," What?!"

Kate says," No we have to go."

I add," We have to help, if it means bringing our friends back we'll do whatever it takes."

He says," Exactly, you three are too unexperienced dealing with the loss of a close friend, your emotions could get the better of you."

Sharon frowns and says," Too unexperienced, seriously. All of us have lost an important family member in our time, I lost both my parents and became Captain America in my 'inexperience'."

Steve replies," Listen, we all agree someone should stay back to help with any matters here."

Sharon responds," But, what if you get into trouble or don't come back at all what then, we're not losing anyone else we care about to Thanos."

Kate and I nod, but even with our argument they still leave without us. We sit around for a long while before Pepper and Tony walk out from the medical wing. Pepper asks," Hey guys, where's everyone?"

I answer," Off fighting Thanos without us."

Pepper had a shocked expression," They left you all here?"

Kate says," Yep, good old adults leaving us behind, while they get to avenge our friends deaths, while we hope they come back in one piece."

Tony mumbles something we can't here, then says," Listen, kids they probably just saved your lives by not letting you go."

Sharon sighs," That's the point, they probably saved our live but what about them?"

I say," We should be out there just like them. We could help them out so much, but they sit us down on the side lines like children."

Tony retorts," It's because you are children, you have whole lives ahead of you. So that's why you are put on the sidelines, and that's how I lost the kid."

Sharon says," Tony, that's not on you, that's all Thanos. You protected Peter the best anyone has ever before, you were like his father. If anything you should be proud of that fact, that's not something most can do."

"Yeah sure, but I still failed and that's what counts in the long run."

He walks out and Pepper says," Well, we'll see you all some other time. Take care guys."

And with that Pepper is gone too, and we hear the sound o a car engine come on and drive away leaving us in the compound.

Natasha pov

After the bad news, we headed home to Earth. Steve was siting with his head in his hands and I ask," Are you okay Steve?"

He sighs," Yeah I guess, but I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Sharon and the others. They're going to be so devastated."

I reply," They're strong kids Steve, I think they will be able to handle it. They might be different for awhile, but they will get better."

He doesn't respond, so I drop the subject and ask Rocket," How long till we reach Earth?"

"It'll be any minute now, hold your horses."

And like he said in a minute we reached Earth and were at the compound within 10 minutes. I could see Kate, Sharon, and Wiccan on the lawn. I glanced at Steve and saw his grim expression and thought,' This is going to be tough for us all.'

We step out and they come up and ask," What happened? Is everything okay? Did you find him?"

Everyone on the mission shared a look that had the same question,' How do we tell them there isn't any hope left?"

Though it didn't look like we had to tell them anything based on their own faces. All three heads lowered and we head a sniff from them, but before we say anything else they just turn and go back inside. Once again we all share a look before we too head inside to try an help the three teens who just realized how hopeless this was and that their friends were gone for good.

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