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Before the snap

A/N I know Venom technically showed after Infinity War, but I'm thinking it chronologically falls before, since no one talks about the snap.

3rd pov

Sharon and the rest of the team were sitting around watching TV, when a news bulletin came on. The reporter says," Breaking news, eyewitnesses have reported seeing a giant alien like creature in the city of San Francisco. Videos taken of the creature show him biting off a man's face. Police and the government are saying if you see this creature, please keep your distance and call the police."

Kate shuts off the TV and asks," You guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

Miles asks," Trip to San Francisco?"

Angela, Wiccan, and Sharon nod and say," Trip to San Francisco."

Five hours later

Miles asks," So how are we supposed to find this guy?"

Kate says," Found him," everyone looks at what she points out, and sure enough the alien creature was about a few feet away. It looked like there were some guys following it, and said guys got out a gun and shot it with electricity.

Sharon was disgusted by this and says," We should help him, no one deserves this."

Miles was about to complain, but decides against it, seeing how people always wanted to experiment on him. So the team grabs their gear and goes to help. Sharon goes for the guy holding the electrical gun, while Kate goes to help the alien and the others took out the other guys. Once every bad guy was down, they gathered around the alien and Kate asked," So, what's up alien creature thing? Wait first off, are you a he or she?"

The alien was going to say something, but Angela interrupted," We should move away from the area, before more of those people show up."

Sharon nods," Agreed. Follow us err Mr..."

The alien answers," Venom."

"Alright Mr. Venom, follow us please."

The team runs off to one of the Avengers safehouses in the area with Venom behind them. Once inside they all take a seat and Wiccan asks," So Venom, want to tell us what all that was?"

Venom doesn't answer and before anyone says anything the alien goo starts moving away and disappears leaving a regular guy. He says," Um, well first off I'm Eddie Brock. And well it's a long story."

Sharon sits back in her seat," We have all day."

Eddie nods and begins speaking," Well there's this organization called the Life Foundation. I never liked the CEO, Carlton Drake, so when I went to interview him I got fired. So some sad, depressing years later, this lady comes and tells me about how I was right in my accusations of Carlton Drake. They were experimenting with these alien symbiotes, so when I found the room I saw this lady I knew. I opened her cell, and she attacked me and this symbiote I have now attached itself to me. And now the Life Foundation is after me and the symbiote."

Miles was the first to talk," Man that's like when I got my powers. When this radioactive spider came and bit me the people who made it tried to hunt me down and experiment on me too. Well that was until Shield helped get them off my back a little, they still try, but I have friends to help me."

Kate asks," Dude why didn't you tell anyone?"

Eddie says," I don't exactly know how to say 'hey I got this alien parasite living in me, and these crazy guys looking to experiment on me,' and not get some crazy looks."

Angela nods," That makes sense, but now you've got us to help you."

Eddie responds," No, I can't ask some random kids to help me. What would your parents say?"

Sharon smirks and says," Our parents aren't even here at the moment. We came from New York on our own and flew here by ourselves. Trust me we don't need our parents telling us how to operate our team."


Miles facepalms," Dude it's not obvious. I just told you how I got bit by a radioactive spider and work with Shield."

Kate interrupts," Dude you're talking to the Young Avengers."

Eddie's eyes widen," No way?"

Wiccan nods and says," That is correct. My name is Wiccan, I trained under Dr. Strange for some time."

Angela speaks next," I'm Angela of Asgard, Thor's my brother."  

Miles says," I'm Miles Morales or Kid Arachnid, I learned some skills from Spider man."

Kate speaks," I'm Kate Bishop or Sharpshot, second best archer ever to exist, trained by Hawkeye himself."

Sharon introduces herself last," And I'm Sharon Rogers or Eagle, daughter of and trained by Captain America, and leader of the Young Avengers."

Eddie asks," Wait aren't you guys technically criminals?"

Sharon nods," Because we didn't sign the Accords. We don't agree with the governments new policy. Especially what happened since Shield was once controlled by Hydra."

" So it's true your parents are..."

"My father is currently in hiding along with others who didn't sign the accords. Hawkeye, who is like a father to Kate, is on house arrest, no one really knows about Dr. Strange, Thor is off world, and Spider man is on the Accords side."

Miles speaks," But, we are going to help you, because you don't deserve to be hunted like an animal."

Kate adds," And we want to take down the Life Foundation as well, we've been keeping tabs on them for some time."

Wiccan asks Eddie," You were the one who saw everything, what did you see exactly?"

Eddie answers," They were putting the symbiotes into people they found that were homeless that no one thought to have cared if they disappeared. Then, if they failed to bond, the experience would kill them, and they would dump the bodies."

Angela growls in anger," Those pigs, I say we go down there and knock some sense into this Carlton Drake."

Sharon says," I wish we could, but we need evidence, or..."

Kate finishes," There could be an accident, that somehow destroys Drake's facility."

Then, suddenly to everyone's surprise Venom comes out of Eddie's back, which causes Miles to fall out of his chair. Venom says," I like these humans, Eddie, I do not wish to kill all humans anymore."

Miles questions while getting up," Anymore?"

Kate says," Then, there's the actual question of Venom. First off why do you need to attach yourself to people and why when it fails it kills them?"

Venom answers," My kind can't survive without human host. It kills them because they are not compatible and the symbiote would eat their organs to survive."

No one says anything for a moment, until Sharon clears her throat," Okay then, so do you know what Drake is planning?"

"He's building a ship to go back to my home world to bring the rest of my kind to Earth, but it's actually Riot's idea."


"The symbiote connected to him, he wishes to take over this world."

Wiccan says," Well we can't have that. It's settled then, we have to stop Drake."

Sharon nods," Agreed, everyone suit up, we leave in an hour."

Eddie gets a call and answers it. He talks for a minute before hanging up," My uh ex-wife wants to see me, could we make a quick stop at her place."

All of the Young Avengers facepalm after he says that, and Sharon says," Fine, we'll get changed there. Lets move it."

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