A New Hope

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5 years later

Kate pov

       Everyone was trying to move on with our normal lives, but nothing was ever the same. Many people lost family and friends, some never recovered and some were trying. Wiccan, Sharon, and I hung around the compound most of the time, though we did visit Tony's new place from time to time. His daughter was a real sweet heart, but she probably doesn't know much about what happened before she was born.

Natasha was sitting in her normal seat video chatting the other remaining avengers. Carol was busy helping other planets adjust, Rhodey was back working with the government, Steve was doing support groups to help people move on, and Thor went back to the New Asgard.

Soon the call was over, but Rhodey was still there. He says," Natasha it's Clint again, he's getting more and more violent. I'm trying to keep the government from going after him, but..."

Nat says," It's okay Rhodes I got it, I'll find him."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Alright Nat be careful."

I had heard only recently that Clint was on an assassin spree taking down criminal organization, but in more brutal ways than normal. We keep missing him, but I really want to help him after his family was lost.

I ask Nat," What are we going to do?"

She glances at me," We'll think of something, but this is Clint we're talking about he's just a little lost right now."

I look up and see Steve standing nearby and decide to leave while they talk. I go find Wiccan and Sharon, and see Wiccan reading a book and Sharon drawing. As I walk in I greet them," Hey guys, what's up?"

Sharon says," The sky," and Wiccan says," The roof."

I roll my eyes," Ha, ha very funny."

I sit on a bean bag and pull out my phone and scroll the internet. It wasn't long before Nat came in and says," Conference room now."

Wiccan asks," What now?"

"It's Scott, he's alive."

That's all it took for us to get moving.

Scott pov

Okay so after being trapped in the Quantum Realm for five years, I was really hungry but I needed to tell them what I knew first. Once everyone was there I start explaining," So I was in the Quantum realm for what five years right?"

They all nod and I continue," But, when I was there it was only like five hours. So what I'm thinking is what if we use it to go to another point in time like before Thanos got the stones."

Cap says," That could work but we're going to need an expert on this."

"So like Tony then oh okay, things must be better now right."

When we were at Tony's new house I realized how wrong I was. Tony and Cap still hate each other, and when I brought up the idea it got shot down very quickly. I ask," But what if there's a chance to bring everyone back, don't you want to take that chance?"

He responds," I can't risk what I have now, so even if it was possible I can't do it."

We walk back to the vehicle and Nat says," We need someone else on this, if Tony won't help we'll find another way."

I ask," But who else can help?"

That was answered as we reached a diner where Hulk was eating. He looked very different than he did before, he was talking in sentences it was like the best of Dr. Banner and Hulk. He even had a shirt on.

Three children come over and ask to get a picture with Hulk, so I get handed the phone to take the picture. I then say," You know I'm a superhero too, I worked with Cap and some other avengers too."

The girl says," Oh um that's cool."

Bruce says," How about you get a picture with him too, kids?"

They looked really hesitant, so I just said," Nah it's fine," and go to hand them back the phone. It then turns into this awkward conversation about whether or not the kids want a picture with me and I end it by saying," Just take the stupid phone."

Nat asked," So, Bruce will you help us?"

He makes a face and says," Listen this isn't my field of expertise, and I won't knw what I'm doing. But, if there's a chance to bring everyone back, I'll take it."

Steve pov

We go to test to see if it would work with the van. It had some pretty interesting results that was a little funny, and after failing a lot more I got a text from Tony to meet him outside. I walk out to see Tony driving into the compound and passes by me only to back up. He rolls his window down and asks," He turned into a baby didn't he?"

I answer," Yes, among other things."

He gets out and says," Wish I was there to see it, but we ae here for more important matters."

I ask Tony," Did you figure it out?"

"Did I? I think I did, I mean it truly would be the greatest achievement to figure out time travel and all that but details, details."

I can't help but smile a little at his old antiques and step to the side and say," After you, Stark."

He walks past inside and I follow him to the labs.

Tony pov

After about a few hours of work we made a replica of the tunnel on a larger scale. But, all we needed was someone to test it out. Pint size was going to go, but chickened out probably due to being stuck there for so long. So, our test subject was now Legolas.

Bruce says," Alright Clint, we're going to send you back for a couple of seconds then we're gonna pull you right back out."

Clint responds," Okay, yeah I got this."

I start the countdown," Alright going in 3, 2, 1 now."

Bruce activates the machine and Clint is sent through the machine. After about ten seconds, Bruce pulls Clint out and when he stands up he's holding a glove?

We go over and he says," It worked, I was... I was there before they disappeared."

Woo chalk one up for science, now all we had to do is find out where and when to go back in time. 

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