E.T comes to visit

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Sharon pov

      My dad, Natasha, and I were called to England to check on Vison and Wanda after they sent a distress call. I had been visiting at the time so I decided to suit up and help out. We arrived at the subway area and saw two aliens standing above Wanda and Vison, as they were about to get struck down, my dad threw his shield and stepped out of the shadows and says," Sorry we're late." (idk what he said I honestly forgot)

Natasha and I come out and kick back both of the aliens. I go to Wanda and Vison and ask," Are you two okay?"

Wanda gets up and says," Yes, it's  good you showed up when you did."

I look over to Vison and see he wasn't in good shape, but I look over to my dad and Natasha fighting the aliens. I tell Wanda," Okay, stay with Vison, I'm going to help them."

She nods and I go to help Natasha with the female alien. Natasha and I go back and forth exchanging blows with her, then I get the idea and steal her weapon. That made the fight much easier and we were able to push her back with her colleague. She called for a retreat seeing that the other alien had a stab wound and couldn't get up, so they beamed out and her weapon flew out of my hand into the sky. We then go to help Wanda bring Vison onto the jet and when Natasha asks," Where are we going now?"

My dad says," Home."

Steve pov

      We walked inside of the Avenger's complex while Commander Rhodes was talking to government officials. When they saw us the that came to the complex to get us to sign the Accords told Rhodes," Arrest them."

Rhodes turns off the hologram and says," It's nice to see you all again."

We talked a bit then I saw a face I never thought I'd see again, Dr. Banner. He walks in and says," Hey everybody."

Natasha says," Bruce."

He looks over to her and says," Hey Natasha."

Sharon fake coughs because of the awkwardness in the room, and we discussed what to do about the stone. Vison tells Wanda," You have enough power to destroy the stone, you must destroy it at all costs."

Wanda says," No, it would kill you."

"That is a price I'm willing to pay."

I intervene," No, we won't sacrifice anyone."

Vison turns to me," But, Captain you sacrificed our life to save millions, why will you not allow me to do the same."

Sharon responds," This is different Vision, he had no choice, but you do."

Rhodes asks," Where are gonna find anyone with the ability to take the stone out of him without him blowing up?"

I tell them," I may know a place."

Kate pov

      Sharon went to go visit her dad so it was the rest of the Young Avengers sitting around the palace doing nothing in particular. I was reading one of my favorite books, when I heard commotion outside. I looked out and saw one of the Avenger's jets, I told everyone else," Guys, I think Sharon's back."

We rush down to the courtyard and see Sharon with Black Panther, Captain America, Black Widow, the Winter Soldier, Vison, and Scarlet Witch. Black Panther asks Cap," Is there a reason for your unexpected visit?"

Cap responds," Yes," he points to Vison's gem," that's the reason we came here."

We go to Shuri's lab in the palace and she explains," I can get the gem out of Vision, but it would take absolute stillness and concentration. One wrong move could overload Vison's neuro capacitors."

Natasha asks," How much time will you need?"

"A couple of hours at best."

We them hear a noise and feel the ground vibrate. I look out the window to see three alien ships along with a female alien and a huge male alien. We go to gather our weapons and T'Challa tells his men referring to Cap," Get this man a shield."

Miles pov

      We stood beside the Wakandan warriors and the Avengers.  The female alien comes forward to the barrier, so Cap, Widow, Panther, and Eagle go to the barrier to talk. I hear the alien tell Cap," His death is on your head."

They exchange words until the alien finally says," Well, we have enough soldiers to spare."

Each side goes back and we watch as the ships open their doors and out comes these disgusting looking aliens that looked like they came straight out of Aliens vs Predators. They tried to get through the bridge which they failed and are vaporized by the barrier, Widow says," Their killing themselves."

I see something move on my right and I see the aliens going around the barrier. Cap says," We can't let them get behind us."

T'Challa then makes a bold decision and tells someone to open the section of the barrier in front of us. When he yells," Now!," the section of the barrier came down and the aliens charged in, as we charged forward ourselves.

'Wait so if there're the aliens does that make us the predators.'

Author Note

A fun way to end off a chapter. Sorry it was shorter than normal, but I want the do the final fights in a span of three chapters, so I need to make sure I have enough to write about. And, I know I missed the whole wizard saving rescue, but I just didn't feel like writing, maybe I'll go back and add it in though. Anyway till next time readers!

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