The Ex and the Rocket part 1

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Eddie pov

        We all pilled into two cars the Young Avengers had at their safehouse and went to Anne's house. I ask the teens," So what's your plan to make this accident happen?"

Sharon, or Eagle I should say, answers," Well typical rockets that go into outer space fail at times, so if we disable the rocket it won't be able to take off."

"That makes sense."'

We arrive at my Ex's house five minutes later and when I knock Dan opens the door. He says," Hey Eddie, we've got something very important to show you," he notices the others with me," Who are they?"

"Let's talk inside it's a long story."

We go into the house and sit in the living room, and Anne asks," So Eddie, who are these young ladies and gentlemen?"

Kate responds first," We're friends of Eddie. I'm Kate, this is Sharon, Angela, Miles, and Wiccan."

Dan says," Nice to meet you all, how do you know Eddie?"

Miles says," We met when we were visiting San Francisco. He needed help with something, so we helped.""

I ask," So what do you need to show me?"

Dan says," Okay, so I was looking at your MRI scan and I found this inside you."

He shows me a picture of most likely Venom hanging around my organs and such. Anne says," We found out why you were acting so strange, this thing looks to be messing with your entire system."

I nod and say," Yeah, I uh, I figured that out recently."

Dan asks," What do you mean?"

Anne pov

Eddie told us the whole story behind his 'parasite'. I ask," Why didn't you tell us, we could've helped earlier?"

He answers," Well because you would've looked at me crazy and probably sent me to a psych ward."

The teen named Wiccan says," That is why we must stop Carlton Drake from launching his rocket, he plans to bring more symbiotes here."

I ask," Did you all know Eddie had this in him?"

Sharon responds," Only when we met him earlier today, we heard on the news about an alien monster in the city and came to investigate."

Dan asks," Wait, who would send teens to investigate an alien monster sighting?"

"No one we sent ourselves."

Kate says," Look we haven't been very honest with you all. What we're about to tell you has to stay a secret."

Dan and I agree to keep their secret, and Wiccan says," We're the Young Avengers, but we're on the run currently because of the Sokovia Accords."

Our eyes widen at the new information, and Miles adds," I'm Kid Arachnid, Sharon is our leader Eagle, and Kate is Sharpshot. Wiccan and Angela go by their regular names."

Sharon says," We must get going however, there's no telling when Drake is going to launch his rocket."

So, Eddie and the Young Avengers leave to stop Drake, and Dan and I look at each other probably wondering the same thing,' What will happen now?'

Miles pov

We made it to Drake's facility and saw the rocket on the launch pad. Eddie asks," So, what's the game plan?"

Sharon says," Okay Eddie and Miles you're going to distract Drake, the rest of us are gonna sneak into the control room and try and stop the launch."

We all move to our locations and Angela says over coms," Drake's headed toward the rocket, be on the lookout."

I reply," Roger."

Then, behind me Eddie or well Venom says," Who's Roger?"

I jump a few inches in the air and turn to Venom and ask," Dude, you trying to kill me?"

"Not at the moment."

I let that comment slide for the moment and my spidey sense activates as I see Drake. I tell the team," Eyes on the bad guy, moving in."

Venom and I go towards Drake and I say," Carlton Drake, you sadly don't have the proper paperwork for the launch, we're going have to postpone this indefinitely and send you to prison."

Drake turns and says," Ahh Eddie Brock nice of you to finally arrive."

I say," Uhh hello am I just invisible to you."

"Silence insect, this is between me and Brock."

"Rude, and btw spiders are arachnids hence the name Kid Arachnid."

Venom interrupts before Drake speaks again," Enough talk, let's end this."

Drake says," I couldn't agree more."

Drake's own symbiote Riot comes forward and charges at us. I flip out the way as Venom gets hit and both symbiotes go flying. I decide to help from a distance or whenever Venom seems to be losing, like a little web to the face here and there, and maybe a punch and kick. Till Riot gets annoyed and grabs a web heading his way and pulls me forward to close line me. I mumble when I get hit," Anybody get that truck license plate?" 

Venom and Riot continue fighting around, so I ask Sharon," How's it coming team?"

Sharon answers," The rocket systems were fried and all the scientists here were killed by Drake, so we're rebooting the system now, while Wiccan and Angela try to clean the area. What's it looking like out there?"

"Well, I got close lined and am now on my back, but other than that everything's..."

I hear a very disturbing sound come from the two symbiotes and see Eddie out of his symbiote with a giant sharp limb impaling him." Oh crap."

"What happened Kid?"

"Eddie got impaled without the symbiote. Got to go."

I rush to Eddie and Riot and kick the symbiote away from Eddie. I web him up with like 15 layers of webbing,' That should hold for a little bit.'

I go to Eddie and try to remove the sharp object and say," Please tell me Venom's just hiding inside you."

He doesn't respond, so I know I really need to hurry and I see blob Venom coming up to us." Oh for the love of..." 

I pick up the blob and set it on Eddie, and quickly take the sharp object out just as Venom starts healing Eddie. When everything's good Venom folds back so I see Eddie's face, and he says," Thanks Kid."

"No prob Bob."

Venom comes back and asks," Who's Bob?"

I facepalm,' Someone needs to teach this symbiote about expressions.'

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