Pride before the fall

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Sharon pov

      Ok so maybe not standing a chance was said premature. I saw that the Border tribe called out their Rhinos and were running through the field of battle. I almost got run over by one, but Kate and I dived out of the way before it came towards us. We quickly got up and went to join the others who were cornered in the middle of the cloak shields of the Border tribe. I asked Kate," How are we supposed to help them? Those shields can't be broken through."

She was going to answer, but help arrived. M'Baku and his tribe came to our aid. He grabbed W'Kabi by his cloak and threw him in the field while saying," Witness the strength of the Jabari... first-hand!"

The Jabari tribe charged into battle with us and we were starting to have a fair chance.

T'Challa pov

     Kilmonger and I fell into the mines fighting, I used my claws to slide down the walls of the lab and slow my fall. I fell into the train tracks and without hesitation got up to face my opponent. Kilmonger and I exchanged blows evenly matched with our suits, so I got an idea. I com Shuri," Shuri turn on the tracks of train 347 (idk the actual number)."

Shuri asks," Are you crazy T'Challa? Your suit won't work in the magnetic field."

I respond," Neither will his."

She turns on he train and while we fight I see it coming, so I step back and let it pass. Kilmonger's and my suit deactivate for a second and he looks at his suit and says," You think this will stop me from killing you."

He grabs a knife from the ground and when the train passes he attacks me with it. I block the attacks and stay on the defensive till the train returns. By the time it does, I successfully knocked the knife out of Kilmonger's hand and in the air. When the field came up I jumped grabbed the knife and stabbed Kilmonger where his suit had not fully activated. He fell to his knees and looked at his wound and says," Not bad."

I remembered he told me," You know, my dad talked about how amazing the sunsets are here."

So, I helped him to his feet and led him to the cave opening where the sunset showed. He stares at it and says," It's as beautiful as my father said it was."

I felt some sympathy for him and offered," We can heal you, you know if you'll let us."

He looks at me and says," Nah, just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from ships because they knew death was better than bondage."

After he says that he takes the knife out of his stomach, takes his last breathe and falls over dead. I then take his body to have a proper burial as he should.

Wiccan pov

      The fight was nearly over but what ended it all was the stand off between Okoye and W'Kabi. I heard them talking as W'Kabi asked Okoye," You would kill me my love?"

She responds," For Wakanda? Without Question."

I see W'Kabi lowers his weapon and goes to his knees in surrender, his army following him. A cheer goes up through the Jabari tribe and the Dora Milaje. I group up back with the Young Avengers and while everyone cheers we see T'Challa. We go up to him and I ask," Is he dead?" 

I could see the look of sadness in his eyes as he said," Yes, it is over."

Miles asks," So, what now?"

T'Challa says," Now we come out to the world. No more hiding away when we can help the world around us."

We nod and follow T'Challa as he goes to the palace to tell the council his decision.

Time skip

Angela pov

      We were standing outside of a run down neighborhood in Oakland, California looking at some buildings. Shuri tells T'Challa," When you said you'd bring me to California when I was a kid, I thought you meant Coachella, or Disneyland. Where are we?"

T'Challa says," This is the place our uncle once lived and where our father killed him."

I look and see the condemned sign and say," They're tearing it down."

Shuri says," Good."

T'Challa says," Not anymore. I bought the building and the ones around it."

Nakia asks," Why?"

"To build the first Wakandan embassy, where the scientists of the country will be able to study our technology and practice medicine."

I look at him in shock," Really?"

"Yes,  as a matter of fact lets begin now."

T'Challa presses his wrist beads and the royal jet uncloaks itself and flies down. A boy sees it and he and his friends go to see it. One boy says," It's a Bugatti Spaceship."

Another suggests they try and sell it, and that's when Shuri goes to talk to them. While they talk one boy looks at T'Challa and I and asks," Is that yours?"

T'Challa nods and they kid asks," Who are you?"

Time skip again

Kate pov

       A United Nations meeting had been called by T'Challa so he could speak to the world leaders. Okoye, Nakia, and I were there to stand guard and make sure nothing happens.

 Soon, T'Challa comes up to talk and he says in his speech," Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We can not. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we, as brothers and sisters on this earth, should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

One of the representatives of another country asks," And what can you possible offer us?"

I smile at this comment and look to see T'Challa smirking as well,' Boy are they in for a surprise.'

Back in Wakanda

Sharon pov

       A few village boys com of the tent as Shuri tells them," Don't bother Sergeant Barnes."

Bucky walks up to us and I greet," Good morning, Bucky. How are you today?"

He responds," I'm fine," he pauses," Thank you."

Shuri tells him," Come."

She walks away, while Bucky looks at the scenery. I tell him," Come on Buck, you've got a lot to learn."

I wait for him to turn towards me before I walk, which after a minute he does and I motion for him the follow as we go to catch up with Shuri.

Author note

And there you are the end of Black Panther, and sadly I haven't seen Infinity War yet but when I do I'll make sure to update, but until then peace out and Wakanda Forever!

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