Ant-Man and Wasp

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Ok so I watched the movie and I have no words to describe it. They had the right amount of action and comedy to my liking and...

I have to pause before I continue to write and do a Spoiler Warning about the movie.

I liked how they finally showed what Nadia's mom looked like, and it was such a sweet reunion. I was actually afraid when her mom stepped out of the pod Hank died or something, but then he just comes out like" No, it's okay don't worry about me,"  and I laughed and applaud the movie script writers. And then when the scene when Luis took the truth serum and started talking crazy I laughed so hard I almost cried. And the after credit scene they knew they were wrong for that. I'm not going to say what happened so you'll just have to wait and see what I mean. But, I will say, Marvel was wrong for that and they know it. Just tell me what you think about the movie and comment about it.

Now I just need to find a way to fit this into my story, but as most of the time.....


See you next time readers, this is ShadeArtiemis signing off for now.

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