Part 2+3: Asgard & Vormir

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Wiccan pov

       We arrived in Asgard and I was immediately amazed at how beautiful the city and palace was. I say out loud," I have never seen so much gold in my life."

Rocket says," Yeah, yeah whatever kid, we got a stone to collect. Now Thor which way do we go?"

Thor doesn't answer and I see him looking at the woman talking with some others. I ask," Who's that?"

Thor answers," That is my mother. She dies today...unless I warn her."

I say," No Thor remember what they said. We can not change anything that happens in the past, it would create a new timeline."

"But I have to..."

Rocket interrupts," No what we have to is find the stone and save our future. Now are you with us or not big guy?"

Thor doesn't answer for a moment before nodding and heading down a hallway. We walk and eventually find Jane Foster entering a room, but before we do anything it closes. I look back at the others and see Thor heading in the opposite direction," Thor! Come on we need a way to get in there."

"I know I know, but there's a cellar this way. After a quick drink we can get the stone and go back home."

Rocket says," No we don't have time for that."

"There's always time for rum, now if we hurry we can be back in 5 or so minutes."

I say again," We don't have time, everyone back home is depending on us. We have to hurry before it's too late."

Thor nods and says," I understand."

Rocket and I move forward to the door and turn just in time to see Thor turn a corner in the direction of the cellar," Seriously, out of all the people we get the man with a drinking problem."

Rocket sighs," Fine we'll just do it without him."

I nod," I can teleport us into the room and you extract the stuff from her, while I stand guard."

"Got it."

I teleport us in and Rocket goes to remove the Aether with his doohickey and I go back outside to make sure no one comes. Soon I see guards making their rounds and I teleport back in, to see Rocket getting the last bits out. "We got to go guards are coming."

But, it seems that they were closer than I thought because not one second later the came in. When they saw us one immediately says," You two halt!!"

I say," Sorry got to go."

I use my magic to get them out of the way and we rush through the door, to try and find Thor. As we're running down the halls more guards join the chase and every so often I use my magic to keep the ones in front of us from catching us by pushing them aside. I hear a guard say," Stop magic user and rabbit!"

I laugh and ask," Did they just call you a rabbit?"

"Yeah I see where Thor gets it from."

A lot more guards appear in front of us and I say," I don't think I have enough energy to get them out of the way."

I get an idea," Rocket climb the pillars, I got these guys."

"You sure?"

"Nope, but go anyway."


Rocket climbs the pillars and I use my magic to create steps for me to go over them. I say as I am over them all," Ha, Ha losers!"

We soon find Thor with his original hammer and Rocket says," Hurry up we got guards incoming."

We get our suits on and activate our suits to the future or well present.

Kate pov

Natasha, Clint, and I were walking around the planet to find where the stone was and soon came to a mountain. We exchange a look before going up and finally coming to an open area with a cliffside. A floating person with a robe that covered their entire body comes up to us and by their voice I knew it was a guy. He tells us our names and one parents name and I ask," You know us?"

"Yes, it is my curse to know all who seek the stone."

Clint asks," Alright where is it then?"

He guy answers," To gain the Soul Stone comes a price, you must first lose what you love most."

I think about that for a second and I can tell Natasha knew what he meant. I look back at the cliff and realize,' Now I see why there's a cliffside.'

Natasha says to us," Well, I think we all know who it has to be."

Clint nods," I think so too."

"I think we're thinking of different people."

I say," No way both of you are needed by the Avengers, I won't sit back while my father figure or friends dies for this stone."

Clint replies," There is no way I'm allowing you to do this young lady. You have a whole life ahead of you, it needs to be me."

Nat retorts," No way Barton you have a family to get back to, I'm doing it."

I speak up again," No! Both of you have to survive, and if I must sacrifice myself so you live then so be it."

I turn to go towards the cliffside, but I'm stopped when a net arrow goes around my legs. I look back at Clint and Nat and Clint says," We may disagree which of us is going, but we both agree you aren't."

Nat says," Sorry about this Kate."

She raises her arm and shoots me with one of her taser shots and I can't help but soon close my eyes.

A few moments later

I feel someone shaking me awake and I slowly open my eyes with a groan of pain. I say softly," I can't believe she shot me with that."

I hear Clint's voice," You and me both kid."

I open my eyes to only see Clint hovering over me," Wait where's..." I trail off and look at the cliff," No... she, she didn't."

I look back to Clint," Tell me she didn't jump!"

Clint lowers his gaze and shows something in his hand, it's...

The Soul Stone.

I feel the tears starting to form and Clint hugs me as I start to cry. Clint says," She, she thought it was for the best."

We just sit there for a minute and when I'm all cried out we stand up and activate our watches to send us back home.

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