Bringing Them Back

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Sharon pov

        We all eventually got the stones back to the present, so Tony and Bruce began working on something to contain them. I was sitting in the lounge with Wiccan and Kate who looked really bad after coming back from Vormir. After she and Clint returned it was clear that Nat wasn't coming back. We sit in an awkward silence until I speak," What do you think it felt to be turned to dust?"

Kate and Wiccan give me weird looks and I continue," I mean what would it feel like to just suddenly not exist?"

Wiccan answers," Well if this works and the others come back you can ask them."

Kate asks," Do you think time passed with them as well?"

I shrug," It would be kind of weird to be five years older than our friends. Hopefully not the case, maybe they were alive but just not here."

Wiccan replies," I mean if the stones put them in an alternate reality or even a pocket dimension it's a possibility."

Kate and I look at him and Kate asks," Wait what do you mean by pocket dimension?"

"Well if there was a world in the stones where everyone was being kept."

I think about this for a moment," That could be possible, we'd have to either ask Tony to look into it or ask the others if that's what happened."

Scott comes in to get us when they're done working, so we go into the lab to see what happens. They were asking who should snap the gauntlet and after an argument it was decided Hulk had to do it. We all step back to give him room and he puts on the glove and we can see the energy surging from the stones. I stand there in shock as I see Bruce struggling with it, and ask my dad," Should we stop it?"

He asks Bruce if he should stop and he says he could do it. He eventually forms his hand into the snapping motion and he does it. After a bright light, Hulk is lying  on the ground and dad along with the other Avengers go help him. Kate, Wiccan, and I stay back because they told us and we hear Clint's phone ring. We go over as he picks it up," Laura?"

We can hear someone on the other side answer and based on Clint's face it worked. I see Kate's face light up and she asks Clint," Can I... talk to them?"

"Y-yeah sure."

He hands her the phone and she says," Laura... I-I missed you too... yeah I'm fine but Nat she... she didn't make it... No it's okay I'm good now... But yeah I'm good here's Clint again."

Clint takes the phone and says a few more words and hangs up. Clint turns to us and hugs Kate while saying," It worked, it worked."

Wiccan and I sit awkwardly off to the side and soon we're pulled into the hug by Kate," Thanks for being there for me."

Wiccan replies," No problem Kate."

Everything was so great we knew everyone was back, until the entire complex blew up.

Wiccan pov

When the complex blew, all of us landed in the lower levels. I don't even have time to try and make a comfortable landing and even blacked out for a minute.

I was woke by Sharon shaking me, I force my eyes open and look around to see Clint and Kate not far off. I sit up and ask," What in the world just happened?"

Sharon answers," Someone attacked the compound, and we are currently underground with the glove and the stones."

I look and see the stones in Clint's hand," How do we get out?"

Kate answers," Well keep moving and try to find an exit."

Just then I hear a sort of growling noise and Clint confirms it wasn't just me by asking," Did you hear that?"

We all answer," Yeah."

I see the others looking behind me and I turn to see more of those alien things that attacked Wakanda. I say while still staring at the creatures," We should go."

The others say," Yep."

We turn and run in the opposite direction, every once in awhile I throw a spell at them to push them back. We eventually get to a hole and Clint says," Alright everyone up the rabbit hole."

I create a platform for everyone and fly them up the hole. Clint put  some explosive arrows in the hole on the way up so they can't follow us. And after a few minute we get to the top and when everyone is up I drop the spell and lay down on the ground. Sharon says from her place," That was eventful, let's never do that again."

I reply," Agreed."

We see Nebula come up and grab the glove from Clint, we don't think much about it until she says," Father I have the stones."

My eyes widen and I quickly get up and was about to attack, but she raises a gun to Clint's chest. I think about a way to get him out of the way, but it seems I don't have to because Nebula and a green woman come up. The bad Nebula points her weapon at the good Nebula and the green woman. The latter saying," Nebula you don't have to give him the stones. You know what he'll do if he wins."

She replies," You betray our father Gamora, but I will not fail him."

She was about to shoot but the good Nebula shoots her and she falls against the rubble. Clint grabs the glove back and says," Thanks."

We go outside to see orange portals opened everywhere, and all our friends coming out with the Wakandan army. Kate says," Wiccan teleport us down there."

I nod and open a portal and another by the others. We jump out and land by Cap who is holding Thor's old hammer. He nods to us and faces Thanos' army and says," Avengers," a pause," Assemble."

With those words we charge towards Thanos' armies.

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