The Quantum Realm

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Scott pov

     I woke up in the front seat of a van. At first I thought I was dreaming, but nope not a dream. Then, I look over and see Hope in the seat next to me, and I sit up and say," No, no, no, I can't be out of my house. My last day of house arrest is in 3 days."

Hope responds," Don't worry, I already took care of that."

Scene changes to a giant ant on the drum set. Now back to the actual people.

"I thought you and your dad didn't want to talk to me."

"We don't want to, but you have something we need."


"Your brain..."

"Whoa, whoa hold up nope are you guys mad scientists now?!"

"You didn't let me finish, you may have something in your memories to help us find who we're looking for."

"Oh okay that's much better sounding than the last thing you said."

"Anyway, we're only borrowing you for a few moments, then you and your associates can go back home and not have to worry about being on house arrest."

"Ok then... wait did you say associates?"

"Yes, the girl and the boy in your house saw me so I couldn't risk them saying anything."

"To who, they're wanted by Shield and almost every government on the planet."

"For what they're only teens?"

"Well, they are teen but the aren't normal per say. The girl is Kate Bishop aka Sharp Shot and the boy is Miles Morales aka Kid Arachnid, they we're helping Cap when the Sokovia Accords were written."

"Alright, but they still needed to come with us, who knows they may tell someone about you being kidnapped at least."

"I see your point, but I do have a question."


"If I would have asked you, would you have come to that airport to help me?"

The car pulled over as I asked the question, and she got out and said," I guess we'll never know now."

So I look back at Kate and Miles and see they were fully awake. "How long have you been listening?"

Miles answers," The whole time, you woke up after we did, but we decided against saying anything."

With that in mind, we got out the car and went into the building.

Hank pov

I was instructing the ants to help replace the broken fuses in the machine, when Hope, Scott, and two teenagers came in. I first asked," Who are these two?"

The girl holds out her hand to shake mine, and says," My name is Kate Bishop aka Sharp Shot and this is my teammate Miles Morales aka Kid Arachnid. It's a pleasure to meet you Dr. Pym."

When the ants heard arachnid they look towards the boy, but I quickly let them know it wasn't that type of arachnid. I respond to Kate's words with a simple nod, and go back to my work. I ask Hope," Could you please explain to Scott why he is here?"

"Of course. My dad and I have been working on a way into the Quantum Realm. After we saw that you were able to come back from there, we have been looking for a way to bring my mother back."

Scott asks," Did she have like brownish hair and blue eyes kind of look like Hope?"

I stop what I was doing," How did you know, you've never seen her before?"

"Well in my vision or whatever I saw your house and this little girl in a closet thingy..."

Hope interrupts," A wardrobe?"


"That's what the 'closet thing' is called."


Hope questions him further," Was the girl Cassie?"

"No it wasn't."

Hope looks over at me before asking," What color was the wardrobe?"


Hope's face lit up," That was where I hid every time, do you know what this means?"

Miles says," You clearly don't get the idea of hide n go seek."

Kate nods in agreement and Scott looks at him," I was gonna say the same thing."

Hope rolls her eyes," No it means we can get her back."

Kate adds," Also that you don't get the fact in hide n go seek, you have to hide in different spots."

Hope glares at her and the boys who are snickering, I chuckled a bit and focus back on the machine. Then, Scott excuses himself to take a phone call.

Luis pov

I called Scott to tell him about the error in the blueprint and model. When he finally answered I told him," Dude, I need you to fix the plans man, can you come?"

"Uh no I'm still on house arrest."

"Then, I'll go to your house."

"Uh can't do that either."

"Why not?"

"Well Hope technically kidnapped me from my house and now we're um in the woods."

"Ok then I'll just go to you then, no problem."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes."

So, I hang up the phone and grab the plans and go tell Kurt and Dave.

Dave pov

After Luis told us where we had to go we didn't have a chance to go anywhere because these three guys showed up. One had a briefcase and asked Luis where Pym was. Luis said," I can not tell you that."

The man opens the briefcase and pulls out a syringe saying," You will tells us what we want to know."

And next thing you know, we're tied to some chairs and Luis is getting an unwanted shot. He asks," Dude is that truth serum?"

"No it isn't."

"Will it get me to tell you my secrets?"

"Yes it will."

"Then it's truth serum."

Kurt and I both nod in agreement as the guy once again denies it's truth serum. When they inject him with it one of the other guys ask," Where is Hank Pym's lab?"

Luis of course can't tell them straight up and goes on one of his rants, but the guy interrupts,"  What does this have to do with anything? Just tell us where Pym is."

I speak up," Nah man you put him on that truth serum stuff, you got to hear all the story."

Finally, Luis story ends by him telling where Pym is, and the guy that gave Luis the shot says," Maybe this is truth serum."

Then the guy leaves us with Luis as he starts another story. 'Could this day get any worse?'

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