The Final Battle

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Kate pov

        We all charged towards Thanos and his alien army ready to fight till our last breath. Sharon, Wiccan, and I fight in a group and soon Miles and Angela join us, and everything was back to normal. We actually pause fighting and Sharon almost starts crying as  she says," It's so good to have you back."

Miles says," Good to be back. I mean that was just creepy and I do not wish to do that again."

Angela nods," Same."

We get back to fighting and hear that Scott and Hope were going to fix the van portal to send the stones away. Clint was seen running towards them and Sharon says," Miles and Wiccan, cover Clint."

They nod and rush off, while we start back fighting aliens. Out of the corner of my eye I see Spidey grab the glove and get caught by Valkyrie. I ask Sharon," Should we go help Spidey?"

After a moment she says," Yeah let's move."

We make our way through the crowd and see Pete all to the ground and Carol go up to him. She takes the glove and he asks," How are you going to get it there by yourself?"

Then, all the female heroes present, including us, rally around Carol and Okoye says," She is not alone."

We all charge together to face any aliens that try to get the glove from Carol, and she heads straight for the van. Sadly, the plan doesn't work the way we plan and Thanos intercepts her. He somehow gets the glove from her, and puts it on and I think,' Oh no he doesn't not again.'

Carol tries to get it back and almost does, but Thanos cheats and uses the power stone. Miles and Wiccan catch up to us and we go to stop him from snapping again. We rush forward as he throws Steve away. Wiccan uses his magic to distract him and opens a portal for Miles and I. We each land behind him and while Miles webs him to the ground I stick an explosive arrow to his back. He uses one of the stones and throws us away. I ask Miles," You good?"

"Yep, just got thrown by a Titan but yeah I'm good."

We get up as the arrow explodes, then Sharon and Angela go to grab his arm and the glove to try and pull it off. Miles, Wiccan, and I hold his other arm and I can see Tony in my peripheral vision. I hear Thanos say," Such spirit from such young ones."

Then, he promptly throws us all different directions. Sharon immediately gets back up and charges again with her energy lance and shield. She fires a beam towards Thanos, which makes him summon a shield. This gives Tony the opportunity to grab the glove. Thanos however isn't fazed and throws his weapon at Sharon, who puts up her shield but is still slammed back into some wreckage,' Ooh that's got to hurt.' 

Thanos throws Tony off too and says," I am... inevitable."

Before snapping his fingers.

A/N I'm just going to point out that I hated the ending of Endgame almost as much as Infinity War. Marvel over here got me crying in the last two of their movies. Anyway back to the fanfiction. ->

Miles pov

I closed my eyes when Thanos snapped, but soon opened them when I didn't feel any different. I open them and see Thanos also wondering what happened, only to find the stones weren't in the glove. We all, well minus Sharon who's probably knocked out, look towards Tony to see he has all the stones. They attach to his armor glove and says," And I... am... Iron Man!"

He snaps his fingers and there's a bright light that fills the area. When it fades I see all of Thanos' army and soon even Thanos himself turn to dust. ' I can't believe it we won!'

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