Prologue Preview

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After Sherlock's exile, he returns and returns to unravel crimes in London. Elizabeth or Belle, daughter of John and Mary, is born before the daughter of Sherlock and Molly, Emily. Both are close friends.

Meanwhile, the Doctor warns the family of his daughter Mary (who has the real name of Amelia) that they are being chased by monsters. John Mary and Belle will live in the United States and give the Holmes an apology that John has received an excellent job offer. They move to Kansas and in the same years, Mary discovers that she is pregnant.

John knows the doctor and the alien origin of his wife when they leave London. They decide to change their surname to Winchester to mislead their enemies. They live quietly for four years when Azazel attacks them by forcing the family to separate and leaving Mary wounded and in a coma for a while. Dean, Sam and Belle are trained by their maternal aunt Jenny to fight supernatural creatures.

After Mary recovers, she, John and Belle return to London to ward off the threats against Sherlock without him knowing, helping the Doctor. During this time, the family talks at a distance through letters and phone calls. The distance prevents them from being killed by old enemies, since together they would become easy targets.

When things calmed down, the Watson moved to Portland. Dean and Sam would pass by whenever they could since they could not leave the family business after all this time. The Doctor leaves Mary's family to sort things out on his own. The boys return to live with their family because everything seems calm, until their house in Portland is attacked and the Doctor comes to help them. After the fight, the Doctor needs another regeneration and then our story begins

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