The craziest not logical and even more mysterious truth

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Later on Tardis ... I mean, later on at the TARDIS ...

Sam- I found it!

Dean-we are the chapions my bro

Sherlock-enough Dean, enough

Belle-found what?

Sam-your godfather and our parents before we were born are part of this book.

Doctor- I thought it was like a secret mission, you know, I make some ninjas mocking faces.

Sam-shakes his head - sometimes I wanted to have a normal grandma and excuse Grandma Technically grandpa well what matters is that Belle murmured a name while investigating that body

Dean-I thought that only I had noticed

Sam- No, I noticed, and it's not the first time that Belle disguises to say something like that, which leads us to believe she's hiding something from us

Dean-But what and why?

Belle- (annoyed at everyone looking at her) I'm not hiding anything from anyone, no, and if you continue with this suspicion I swear I'll break your arm again

Dean-this one will not work my little sister

John-Elizabeth, they need to know why we hide Sherlock.

Mary-But John ...

John-The one who can't know is Sherlock,the boys have the right to know

Sam-know what father?

John- (he sighed, running his hand over his face because of the nervousness) it's a complicated, long and difficult story, but what happened is that when you and Dean were with Aunt Jenny we were threatened if we wrapped Sherlock and now he caught the eye of the daleks

Sam-What do you mean?

Dean-How do you catch the eye of a giant salt shaker?

Doctor-not showing his feelings often ... daleks are creatures that only have a feeling, hate

John-since when are you there?

Doctor-1 without formalities, okay? 2 ... I've been here long enough to confirm that you're the military doctor John Hamish Watson, William Sherlock Scott Holmes' best friend, a highly functional sociopath who until yesterday I thought was fiction

Sam-believe it or not there are people who think Dean and I are fiction too

John-Yeah, I guess I just did not know about these books, the blog turned into books?

Doctor and Sam exchanged glances and sighed in a contest "you say, you don't say"

Sam-Well it's kind of complicated

Doctor-the business is the following once a psychic who saw the life of the Sherlock traveled in time and sold the visions to one such of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and he wrote and for years these books are rewritten and until the blog is quoted in the books (I smiled and went to eat something when I returned everyone looked at me) What? Is my mouth dirty?

Everyone looks crooked to the Doctor

Mary-Okay, "she says a little irritably," now everyone knows what we're dealing with. Daleks interested in fictional characters without apparent emotion that in fact, look, they are real

Dean: Mother, why did not you tell Sherlock that the salt shakers are watching him?

Doctor-Right, Mrs. Amelia ... I mean Mrs. Mary

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