Our perfect matches

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Sherlock-5 hours and nothing yet. My eyelids began to weigh and I realized that my observation companions were not much different.

Doctor-I think I'll give her a ride back to Portland when she wakes up.

Sherlock-IF she wakes up

Doctor- (sigh) Hope equals mother-in-law, the last one who dies ... so don't blink

Sherlock-I admit that I didn1t understand

Sam-Ah it's a long story

Molly-But the Doctor is right Sherlock, there's a possibility of it to be well so keep the hope

Doctor-Have you seen? Molly Hooper Holmes agrees with me

Sherlock-That's great, but I think I'm tired, good observation for you, I'm not going to waste any more time.

Doctor- (screams) Do not shoot the walls!

Sam- (hands a dollar to the Doctor) I can't believe I missed this

Doctor-Excuse me Sammy but I'm a fangirl

Sam- (sighs) At least you got used to this regeneration

Molly-Did you bet if Sherlock would tire? I can't believe it! In fact it took longer than I anticipated

Sam and Doctor were impressed by her statement.

Doctor: Until we analyze the fact that Sherlock was really stressed ... and now he must be lost in his mental palace ... if I were you, Mrs. Holmes I would take that cigarette pack out of the cookbook and he kept it in another place unless, of course, he finds his violin in a more accessible position

Molly-Really you're a fan of him! Wow!! It even seems like you live here!

Doctor-You didn't see anything but I'm going to withdraw myself, I have notes to do

Molly-Until then, and you, Sam, won't you sleep?

Sam-I think I've lost sleep now but you beat my grandmother

Molly-In what?

am-Knowing A Lot About Sherlock Holmes

Molly-Ah, I know more than he imagines.

Doctor- (smiles) Oh, you know (he giggles) I always knew I really knew him ... by the way, I loved the way you called his attention at Christmas before you dated

Molly-You know? I shouldn't be surprised.

Doctor- (smile winks at her) Sherlock is not the only one I know well Mrs. Holmes

Molly-Good to know that I have fans too, but dealing with Sherlock was the hardest part of our relationship, it's as intriguing to me as a crime is intriguing to him

Doctor- (smile) It was clear to you ... especially on coffee day

Molly-It was embarrassing but it changed over time

Doctor-really ... I can still imagine his expression when you said that the skeleton was more or less 6 months old

Molly-Well, no one impresses Sherlock Holmes and I did, of course after Emily got it when she learned to walk and Hamish when she spoke his first word

Doctor- (smiles) That's why I like you ... well now I really am tired(walks towards TARDIS)

Sam-Bye then-what was Hamish's first word?

Molly-Anatomy. Sherlock screamed with joy, he really is my son!

Sam-His way of saying that he was proud.

Molly-Yeah, sometimes we have to translate what people really mean.

Sam-Ah, I know what you mean, I've done this a lot with my brother

Molly-I noticed and also noticed your hand

Sam-oh this (look at the cut) reminds me of someone difficult like mr. Holmes

Molly-Do you want to talk about it?

Sam-I think with you I can because ... well nobody knows that. When Dean was missing once, I met Amelia

Molly-And was she nice?

Sam-That's not quite the word ... she could not stand me and I accidentally hit a dog and I took him to her clinic

Molly-And why didn't she like you?

Sam-Well I was a stranger and distrusting me was her defense, she always treated me badly

Molly-And looks like this situation has changed, how?

Sam-I understood her side and she understood mine, we both lost someone we loved and ... (smiles) we suddenly became the safe harbor of each other, time passed and even the dog, I mean Riot, lived with us

Molly-That's good but this is not the end of the story

Sam-no (his smile faded) her husband who we thought he was dead came back alive and I saw no other choice to leave her I never spoke to her again

Molly-I'm sorry, Sam.

Sam-Thank you, I'll spare you of my tragic love life.

Molly-You don't have to do it because mine before marriage was, too, and if you miss Amelia, at least try to talk to her

Sam-I will, thank you Mrs. Holmes

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