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lana del rey - ride

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Luke never spent much of his time outside. It was either him being sprawled out on his couch, watching a soccer match he had little to no interest in, or going out for a drink at the pub downtown.

That was another thing. The 22 year old had no intentions of further education, such as university. To Luke, it was just a pathetic excuse to attend another 4 years of schooling and learn exactly what he did in high school. On top of that, his parents never supported him in anything he did, which only worsened Luke's habits of drinking and put him in a bad position.

Luke hummed as the familiar taste of vodka slipped down his throat much too quickly. It was as though he had never consumed the beverage, but in reality, he downed more alcohol then he did water. Luke lazily flipped through the channels, and after finding none that fuelled his entertainment, he turned off the small television that propped itself up on an even smaller stand. The sleep deprived blond made his way to his dimly lit bedroom and searched the fairly small area for suitable clothing to wear out to the pub. Usually, a leather jacket, an old Nirvana shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans would catch his eye, but considering the boy had no sense of cleanliness, it was nearly impossible to find any article of clothing in the trash filled room.

Luke finally gave in and grabbed whatever clothes that were left from his closet. He slipped on his worn out Dr Martins and made his way out the alcohol smelling house, breathing in fresh air instead of the dreaded beer and vodka that accompanied the blond almost all the time.

The streets of Sydney were never very friendly at night, which didn't bother Luke at all. He may be a very heavy drinker, but he knows well enough to not include himself into unwanted fights that turn up in alleyways and pubs.

Upon turning onto Friarwood Avenue, the blond spotted a boy across the road from him sitting peacefully in the field of daisies he walks by everyday. Luke hasn't ever come across this boy at all, and he began to assume that he was new in the neighbourhood. You could see from afar that the newly found figure enjoyed the beauty of nature around him, and a strange feeling occurred in the curious blond. But nevertheless, Luke treaded down the street, spotting the illuminated pub from only a block away and a rush of eagerness hit him as he sped up his slow walking pace to get to the destination faster.

: : : :

To say that Luke was quite tipsy was an understatement. The younger man could barely walk as people shot him looks of shock and amusement, and he was oblivious to it all. After being pushed around in the crowd and yelled at by locals for disturbing their night out, he finally made it to his street. The drunken boy stumbled upon his feet, almost tripping over the pebbles that surrounded the footpath he was walking on.

The sky had darkened to a navy blue, the stars becoming more prominent as the night went by. It was surely about 3 in the morning, no doubt, and this was possibly one of Luke's worst encounters. The field he walked by earlier on was all a blurry memory for the blue eyed blond as he began to walk up the steps leading to his front porch.

"Excuse me, do you need any help?" A timid, shy voice asked from behind the blond. It was as though he were sober at that moment, and all senses of alcohol had gone and he could just hear this particular voice singing him to sleep.

Luke slurred amongst his words, his sight becoming blurry as he began spinning around in the same spot several times before passing out completely.

: : : :

Ashton thought he was beautiful.

Well, he thought he would be even more beautiful if the boy was more on the sober side, but the small teenager couldn't help but be captivated by the seemingly older male.

Ashton didn't know what else to do, but he couldn't leave the poor guy laying on his front porch in the cold wind of the night. Leaving the teen no choice, he decided to drag the passed out body into his house, hopefully not waking him up in the process. With the curly haired teen being on the weaker side, it was quite a treat trying to pull the older boy in the house, but he managed to succeed in the end.

Ashton's nose scrunched up at the stinging smell of alcohol that had entered his nose. His eyes scanned the living room he stood in, assuming that due to his drinking, he'd have a pretty bad home too. The clueless teenager warily pulled up the blond haired boy onto the worn out couch, resting his head on a pillow whilst swinging his feet onto the arm rest. Ashton tip toed toward the front door, opening it slightly before whispering a hesitant 'goodbye' and heading out.

The teenager's whereabouts were never a priority to his parents, which is exactly why he would spend the majority of his time out in the fields picking daisies and other beautiful flowers. Ashton thought of a flower as if it were his entire world. Threading daisies and tulips together to make crowns and chains made the teen's day just a tad bit brighter, and had him forget about the very troubles he had to face at home.

The curly haired teen took his time heading back home. Of course, he had his siblings to worry about in the midst of his parent's constant arguments and bickering. His brother and sister, Lauren and Harry, were just about the only people that would truly understand the shy soul, and he was very grateful to have created such a bond with his younger siblings.

Ashton spotted the tree in his backyard that could be seen from miles away, and he hurled himself over the lowest branch attached to the trunk of the tree and began climbing all the way up the second floor, where his bedroom was located, along with Lauren's. Luckily, his window was opened the time, unlike other occasions where Ashton had to knock on Lauren's window at 3 am in the morning.

The tired boy hopped onto the carpet, which made a rather loud thumping noise, causing the hairs on the small teen's neck to quickly rise as he shut and locked the window behind him. Ashton tossed his grass stained sneakers into the corner of his room as he pulled off his t shirt and pants and placed them over his chair. Not bothering to brush his teeth, Ashton slipped under the sheets of his bed, where he fell asleep in the silence of the night.

Ashton met Lukey yay (kinda) :D

I'm actually excited for this story, even though I'll probably procrastinate and update until the next world war ^_^

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