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MGMT - electric feel (a bOp anD a hALf)

: : :

"No, Luke, you're meant to flip the pancake not the pan you idiot" His childhood best friend, Calum, snapped, snatching the pan smothered in oil from Luke, who mind you, was running on 3 hours of sleep at the moment.

Road trips are perpetually painful, in Ashton's opinion.

"I have no clue what you're doing with your pancake mixtures, because you're either putting glue in them or you're buying them from a knock off brand" Luke replied back, rolling his partially red eyes due to extreme tiredness and waking up in the middle of the night to tell Calum to stop snoring.

"It's knock off" Michael called out from the living room, and both Ashton and Calum laughed at this, although Luke didn't seem to find the humour in the situation.

Ashton could see that both Michael and Calum were both very much in love, and he had only been here for a week to witness their occasional kisses and pet names they'd give each other.

Michael was about Luke's age and already owned a record store just down the road that Ashton had already taken a visit to and snagged a few records from. He had funnily dyed lilac hair, that always seemed to stick out in random places, which led Ashton to believe he truly belonged in all aspects of alternative. Michael played electric guitar, and although he gave off the tough punk vibe, he was about as harmless as a fly.

On the other end of the spectrum, you had Calum, who like Michael, also played an instrument (bass) and listened to music like he did, but he certainly wasn't as well reserved and laid back as his lilac haired boyfriend was. Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn was all Ashton could say, but besides that, Calum could be the sweetest person ever (when he isn't on his man period, that is)

To put it simply, they can't get enough of each other.

The four of them had already taken a bite of Luke's 'dream' pancakes and refused to take any more, causing the blond to mope around the kitchen in misery.

"How did you meet Luke?" Michael chimed in, making Ashton almost choke on his orange juice at the question.

'Yes, I met your childhood friend while he was drunk out of his mind and barely making it across the road. We were all over each other ever since'

Ashton cringed.

"At the supermarket. Curly was in the same aisle as I was and we sort of looked each other like 'wow, he's pretty cute'. He asked me for my number first, mind you" Luke interjected, poking his tongue out at the younger boy, who simply tilted his head and smiled lightly.

"I thought you said I was cute first and then you asked me for my number" Ashton shot, earning stifled chuckles from the couple next to him. Luke rolled his icy eyes and plopped down next to his younger lover, wrapping an arm around him.

The four continued to eat in silence when Luke's phone began ringing for what seemed like the fifth time this hour. The blond let out a heavy sigh, strolling over toward the staircase, where he annoyingly answered and began speaking into the small device.

"I don't know what you want, but you've called me about 5 times-"

Ashton noticed Luke's dialogue fading slowly as he went into another room. The teenager excused himself, trailed behind the older man and put an ear to the door, listening in.

"Your son's whereabouts were no interest to you a few weeks ago, and suddenly you have the audacity to call me and ask where he is?" Luke sneered, kicking the leg of his bed frame as he a ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, why don't you go ask him right now?" The blond shot back, reaching for the door handle. Ashton took the time to hurry back to the kitchen and begin rummaging through the pantry as if he weren't just listening in on Luke's conversation, and the blond appeared in the doorway, handing the smaller boy the telephone.

"It's your parents" Luke whispered, nodding over toward the bedroom across the hall. There wasn't anything that could of eased Ashton's nervousness in this very moment, and he hesitantly hovered the phone over his ear, his eyes clenching almost instantly

"Hello?" The curly haired boy squeaked, gnawing on his fingernails as he brought his knees up to his chest.

Nothing, plain silence.

A few crackles over the line appeared, and soon enough, the boy's mother began talking.

"Ashton? My darling boy. Are you alright?"

The hazel eyed boy took the time to roll his eyes. Never in his life had the woman that raised him called Ashton her 'darling boy'

Perhaps he should runaway more often.

"Yes, mum. I'm fine" Ashton murmured, eyeing the figure of Luke standing just outside the bedroom door. His arm rested on the door frame and he paced back and forth, giving worrisome looks to his lover every few seconds.

"Your father and I have been worried sick, we haven't seen you all week-"

"Why now?" The teenager interrupted, his mother letting out a sigh of frustration over the phone.

"What do you mean, why now? You don't have a phone. No contacting you or anyone close to you. Do you know how long it took to get that Luke boy's number?"

"Why didn't you call the police the moment you realise I vanished?"


"No, mum. You don't care about me. None of you do. Do you know how tired I am of waking up every single day and not hearing a single good morning from either you or dad? My family's falling apart, and they don't even seem to realise it. Lauren and Harry barely speak to me because they're so busy with their own friends, which by the way, you don't even seem to know about because you're too busy fighting with dad. At least Luke cares about me and what I have to say. I would've told you about him if my mother wasn't so obsessed with picking on every little thing my nut case father does" Ashton finished off, tears brimming his eyes.

"Do you love him?"

"Wow. After everything I just-"

"Luke. Do you love him?"

"Yeah, I do" Ashton stated, pursing his lips.

He ended the call.

oO p

This is slowly getting interesting and I have no idea how to end this book o h fuCk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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