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paramore - rose coloured boy

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Waking up in the morning with a nuclear war in Luke's head was another thing the blond couldn't quite get used to. He had spent the last few minutes awake in a groaning mess, and getting up with a hungover made a great start to his day.

He suddenly remembered how last night went down. Blurry visions passed by, but the main encounter he had made was with that curly haired figure he seemed so curious about. Memories of him being approached by the boy soon flooded in, and he cursed himself for making such a tremendous first impression. Luke didn't know why, but he somehow cared about what the curly haired figure thought of him, even though they've never had a conversation eye to eye.

Luke swung his legs over the caramel coloured couch, instantly regretting the decision as his hungover skyrocketed and the blond groaned once more at the agonising pain. He realised that he still had his clothes on from last night, and the sweaty smell of beer clung onto him like crazy. Luke mumbled profanities under his breath as the doorbell rang, barely gaining enough strength in his legs to walk toward the door and flip off whoever was pestering him. The half asleep boy called out that he was coming after countless attempts in ringing the bell, and he miserably unlocked the entrance to his home, coming in contact with the most precious thing he had ever seen in his life.

What stood in front of Luke was unexplainable to the blond, and his wishes of slamming the door in front the mystery person's face soon vanished. A teenage boy no older than 17 (Luke hoped) stood rather flustered and shy in front of the older male. Soft brown curls framed the boy's face, along with a pair of two hazel eyes that seemed so far out of reach when Luke took a further look into them. It was as if something completely took his breath away, and he were focusing on that rather than him standing in front of a stranger's house.

"H-hi, I hope I'm not bothering you" The boy smiled shyly, his dimples coming into view as he did so. Luke thought the small teenager was oh so pretty.

"No, of course not" The older male breathed out, the beauty of this boy and his soft and shy persona blew Luke away completely.

"I-I'm Ashton. I kinda saw you on the footpath across the road from where I was, and you passed out from being too drunk I guess. I just wanted to see if you were ok and all" Ashton spoke timidly, fiddling with the sleeves of his oversized grey sweatshirt.

The sudden news hit Luke like a brick, "That was you? Oh my god, that's so embarrassing. I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. Thank you so much for that, I appreciate it a lot" Luke babbled out, awkwardly leaning against the doorframe.

Ashton giggled, and it was like a beautiful, happy melody being heard. Luke couldn't believe that he was even real.

"You're welcome. I just couldn't leave you there, I hope you didn't mind me entering your home either" Ashton worriedly pointed out, his eyes darting from my face to his feet. Luke thought his concern was adorable, and he smiled at the younger boy.

"No, not at all" He reassured the brown eyed teenager, who bit his peach coloured lips and smiled a shy smile.

"Well I'll see you around" Ashton declared after a brief moment of silence, flashing me a toothy grin before turning on his heels and walking away.

: : : :

Never had a day felt so quiet in Ashton's life. The only sound that could be heard was the bickering from his parents downstairs, and it only tore him up inside even more. The curly haired boy sat glumly in front of his window, his eyes raking over the sky as patches of white clouds scattered over the inky blue. His mind wondered over to the certain blue eyed blond, and he found himself falling deeper into his personal daydreams. Ashton had never found himself so interested in a person before. Usually, he'd keep to himself around school, considering the boy wasn't exactly known for being the most popular student. But he wouldn't have it any other way, as too much attention never flattered the shy teenager.

The sound of his door being slowly creaked open caused Ashton to whip around in his chair, where he found his sister, Lauren, leaning against the doorframe in rather revealing attire. The older brother scoffed, "Wherever you're going, I sure do hope you're not going dressed like that"

The younger sister pulled down her much too short dress, rolling her eyes at her brother's comment. "I don't need your criticism today" She huffed, "I feel good about myself and I'm going to wear whatever I want"

"Suit yourself. Just don't regret the decision when you have men three times your age crawling down your neck" Ashton retorted, crossing his arms over his chest in amusement as Lauren shot him a deathly glare and headed straight for her room, preferably to change her clothes.

The brown haired boy switched back to his gaze out the window, where he found himself laying amongst the flowers and soft grass of the field across the road. Ashton sprung from his chair and grabbed his oversized denim jacket, slipping it on as he hopped out the window and landed onto the first branch that came in contact with his pearly white sneakers. Ashton made sure to leave the slightest bit of his window open, so he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of arriving at the front door so late at night.

The curly haired teenager happily jogged into an entirely new place that only he could joy in. He smiled brightly at the tulips and daises surrounding his feet, and instantly plopped down into the grassy meadow. The boy's hands and eyes would explore every bit of nature that was exposed to him, as his only source of happiness was the sweet feeling of flowers had him smitten.

But perhaps a pair of blue eyes could also have Ashton in love too.

The younger boy just didn't know that yet.

Ashton is a gift to this world wow

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