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lana del rey - lolita

: : :

Luke was once again unaware of the strange atmosphere he was in when he woke up. He instantly noticed the band posters smothering the pale blue walls, and realised it was someone's room he just simply didn't want to be in. Something that was different to last time was that Luke wasn't in fact naked, but dressed in his boxers and a navy blue sweatshirt that weirdly smelt of peppermint.

Luke swung his legs over the queen sized bed, knowing what was coming next, which was a headache that instantly skyrocketed to his forehead. The blond quietly winced at the agonising pain and waddled over to the bathroom, turning on the tap and briefly splashing his face with cold water.

"Luke?" A voice that seemed to embody a jar of honey softly called out. Ashton had walked in, rosy cheeked and sweater clad, with a half finished waffle in hand. Luke couldn't ever get tired of looking at him.

The sobered up blond didn't say anything. He simply stood there, taking up all the tension that hovered around in the awkward atmosphere. Ashton seemed to do the same, and remained quiet as the two stood opposite each other, barely a foot apart in the small bathroom.

"I miss you" Luke squeaked, stepping closer to the younger boy. The blue eyed blond could see his freckles now, and they looked like beautiful constellations in the sky, each telling a different story.

"I miss the way you flush a crimson red all the time, and the way you hum all those Fall Out Boy songs, even when you think I'm not listening" Luke started, reaching for Ashton's hands that had started tremble because of his words. "I never get tired of the way you brush your cute little curls out of your eyes, or when you smile so much I sometimes think your mouth will stay like that permanently. You're so kind to everyone, even when you don't have a reason to be. I don't deserve you at all, curly. You deserve someone who will love you endlessly regardless of who you are and what you chose to do. You deserve all the happiness in the world, because that's just the way you are"

"I don't know what to do without you anymore. I need you" The blond finished, lacing his fingers with Ashton's small ones. Luke saw a layer of tears decorate the fragile teen's eyes, and he leaned down and kissed him.

Oh god, he missed those lips.

Luke forgot how incredibly soft they were; it was like his mouth dove into a pile of feathers. Ashton's tongue roamed across the blond's teeth, and Luke softly groaned into the kiss, melting like a popsicle on a hot summer day. The older man's lips placed themselves on Ashton's neck, and he felt the teenager shiver under Luke's touch.

"You're beautiful" Luke whispered, tracing his tongue over the milky skinned boy's collarbone, in which he responded with by arching his neck more to give the blond access.


Luke's head frantically snapped up, his eyes meeting with Ashton's. They looked nervous, almost scared.

"I just-"

The blond nodded, engulfing the boy into a bone crushing hug, "Sorry, curly. Got carried away"

Ashton smiled, "I missed you too, you know? I regret everything I said that night, and I'm so sorry if I hurt your feelings, I really am-"

"Curly. Don't" Luke grumbled, lifting his fragile little angel onto the sink and wrapping his sock cladded feet around the blond's waist. Ashton giggled as Luke's feathery fingers removed a few curls framing his almost crimson face.

They were both pathetically in love.

The teenager leaned down and peppered another few kisses onto Luke's nose. "I really like you. I don't want to ever lose you again"

Luke hummed, "Me neither, curly. Me neither"

: : :

The two lovebirds weren't quite aware of the horribly rainy day outside, seeing as Luke had been tracing patterns onto Ashton's bare back in the meantime while he slept. There wasn't anyone quite like that small boy who could look so angelic sleeping in bed.

Ashton's parents were out on a dinner date to at least try and fix what problems that have surfaced this time. His sister, Lauren, was at a party, while Harry was in the garage messing around on the play station with his friends.

Either way, it was basically like being alone together. There was always something that Luke loved about rainy days, and spending them inside with someone that was special to him.

It was something magical, almost.

Luke's fingers continued to trace the middle of Ashton's pale back, and the teenager began stirring in his sleep, opening his eyes briefly before closing them again.

"Is it true?" Were the first few words that came out of Ashton's mouth when he had decided to fully wake up. Luke's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, laying down next to the curly haired boy. Ashton took the time to rub his eyes for a moment and yawn, before answering his question.

"People say some screwed up stuff when they're drunk, but did you really get a job?" Ashton replied, earning a goofy smile from Luke.

"Yeah, I did. I can finally take you somewhere nice now" The blond added, rubbing a hand up and down the nape of Ashton's neck.

"You don't need to take me anywhere nice. Every where nice is with you" The hazel eyed boy gushed, earning a storm of kisses to be planted on his lips by Luke.

They could stay like this forever.

Hello! Another chapter up! At last, our two gay dads have made up, and there's a lot of fluff I chucked in there for you ;)

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