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lana del rey - kinda outta luck

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Ashton couldn't sleep.

He couldn't sleep knowing that Luke had kissed him.

It was something Ashton had been craving for so long, yet never had the chance to admit. So here he was in his room, embarrassed and ashamed that he ran off once the older male had pecked him on the lips.

Ashton's parents were arguing downstairs as usual, which would partially block out the thought of Luke invading his head. He had the urge to go to Luke's house and apologise, but he restrained himself from screwing up in front of him again and quickly erased the idea.

It was about 2 am in the morning, and the curly haired boy forced himself not to cry as his legs dangled over the edge of his windowsill. Just when he thought something was going right in his life, it all had somehow managed to go downhill and make everything worse for him. It was as though happiness could never make its way into Ashton's life, and for that he depended on misery to get him
through the day.

Ashton remembered how he found Luke on the concrete, passed out and barely conscious due to drinking. He was almost too eager to give alcohol a go, but considering everything has gone to shit in his life, the only other option would be to cry it all off until nothing else was felt but a numb sensation.

The boy didn't know what went through his head at that moment, but he grabbed a few 10 dollar notes from his piggy bank and made his way down the big oak tree.

: : :

It was slight buzz that was felt in the air around Ashton and he weirdly enjoyed it. Vodka of all sorts would slip down his throat, the hands of many strangers groping him and places he wouldn't mention. It wasn't the taste of the horrid drinks that intrigued and reeled in Ashton, it was the incapability of remembering what had made him miserable the night before.

He had spent all of his money only a few hours ago, but it didn't stop him from silently begging men twice his age to pay for his drinks. This is wasn't anything like Ashton, and to experience what is was like outside his comfort zone was hilariously frightening.

"Hey, you're looking a little tipsy there, wanna come to my car and rest for a bit?"

"Can I buy you more drinks?"

"What's your number?"

"Do you think I could snag your number?"

Questions like these seemed to float around Ashton all night, and with more alcohol entering his system, he began to acknowledge them as the hours passed.

Meanwhile, Luke had been aimlessly walking around the city of Sydney for what seemed like hours. He hadn't had a drink in forever, and a beer bottle or two would seem good right about now. The blond had been in a bad mood all day. Him kissing Ashton was supposed to be a special moment for him, but now shame and embarrassment floods in every time
he thinks about the curly haired boy's peachy lips.

The beloved pub Luke called home came into view, and he was more than eager to enter it and have the taste of beer slide down his throat. Upon entering the small building, he felt instantly crowded, with both women and men of all ages dancing to the music and drinking to no end. It was an uncomfortable feeling, which was unusual for Luke, seeing as he spends the majority of his week here at the pub. But something didn't feel quite right, so he began walking out when a loud crash caught his attention.

"What the fuck is your problem?! Don't fucking touch me!" A voice shrieked from the other side of the pub, and Luke's eyes widened once he saw his sunshine being towered over by a drunken male possibly in his late 30's.

Luke immediately speed walked over to the situation, and yelled at some of the bystanders that were filming and gasping at the scene. He placed a hand on the man's shoulder and the unknown figure turned around, a sour expression plastered on his face.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but I've been looking for my brother everywhere. Ashton you need to come home, mum's been worried sick" Luke informed Ashton sincerely, wrapping an arm around the poor boy's shoulder.

It was unlike anything he had seen before. The curly haired teen looked horrifyingly dishevelled, with a sleepy eyed complexion and tear stained cheeks. It broke Luke's heart to see him like this and he didn't know what to do.

"Tell your stupid brother to not be such a man whore and get the hell out of here" The older man spat, clenching his fists as he glared at Ashton.

"We were just heading out, you have a lovely night" Luke smiled, gritting his teeth in anger as he headed out the door with Ashton.

And the two walked home in silence.

Ashton got drunk oops.

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