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the cardigans - love me

: : :

Dinner was quiet at the Irwin household. The scraping of forks and knives on plates and occasional coughs from a family member was enough to drive Ashton insane, but nevertheless he chose to remain quiet. His sister was the one to speak up about an English test she had preparing for, but it still didn't remove any tension that was floating around the small dining room, thus, making the family dive back into an awful pit of silence once more.

"Ashton, how are you doing with your studies? I heard you got a B plus on that Biology project you were working so hard on" His mother asked, smacking her lips in a way that made Ashton get shivers down his back. He hated when people did that.

He shrugged, "I'm doing well, I guess"

Ashton could tell he was being gazed at by four other pairs of eyes around the table. Lauren had kept quiet, along with Harry, and his mother and father seemed to exchange looks of either annoyance or curiosity.

"I'm heading up to my room" The sweater clad boy murmured, ignoring his mother's pleas to stay downstairs and talk about whatever was wrong. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He didn't want to see anyone.

He just wanted to be alone.

It had been only a day or two since they last talked, and it was an agonising feeling to be away from someone so long. Ashton didn't why he suddenly had the urge to say all those things to Luke, and he regretted everything that had spilled out his lips that night.

Ashton hadn't been down to the fields lately either. He just couldn't muster up the courage to go down there and potentially see the blue eyed blond he's been missing but avoiding in the time they had been apart. The curly haired boy missed the feeling of flowers tickling his arms and legs, and the sounds of crickets chirping amongst the trees. It seemed rather cliche, but it was somehow his second home.

The shy teenager found himself walking downstairs and slipping on a pair of shoes in order to go out to the fields. He didn't know why, but a part of him wanted to see Luke and resolve this once and for all, even though he couldn't quite man up and do it by himself.

"I'm going out" Ashton called out to his parents, to which both his parents replied with incoherent mumbles he probably didn't want to hear either way.

The boy then lightly jogged across the road, and smiled once he landed in the sea of flowers and grass. Ashton felt himself relax once began threading flowers to make a crown. He couldn't remember the last time he was here alone and completely enjoying the atmosphere of nature in all its glory.

"Hey! Fucking watch where you're going!" An angry voice hissed, making Ashton's head snap up frantically wondering where the commotion was coming from.

"Calmmmm downn! I'm going home old man!"

Ashton's eyes instantly widened as soon as he saw Luke barely making his way across the road and onto the pavement. He had a beer bottle in hand a cell phone in the other.

All of a sudden it was a déjà vu moment Ashton was experiencing in that moment.

He didn't know why, but he instantly jumped up and began sprinting toward the clearly drunken blond. The elderly, livid man was still standing there, yelling and hissing at Luke who was oblivious to what he was saying.

"Hey Ashh! I forgot to call you last nightt-" Luke giggled, "I finallyy got a jobb from my goood friend Joshh. I don't havee to be so dirtyy and gross anymoreee"

Ashton smiled bashfully at the angry man opposite them. "Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll be on our way"

The curly haired teen slung Luke's arm over his shoulder, after a good few minutes of him giggling like a madman and refusing to move from his position. It didn't occur to Ashton that Luke would go back to drinking again, because he always thought that happened to those were heartbroken in movies; here they were, in the middle of a street with absolutely no idea what they were doing.

"Leaveee me aloneee" Luke slurred, slapping Ashton away as endless profanities escaped his lips. The teenager obviously knew he was drunk, but it hurt to seem Luke fighting with him this way.

"Let's get you home" Ashton murmured, dragging Luke toward the front door of his home. He then realised he had to quickly rush the drunken blond to the staircase just so his parents wouldn't see the un-sober state of him, so the curly haired boy quickly barged in through the door and practically shoved Luke onto the the stairs.

"Ashto-" Luke was quickly cut off a hand to the mouth and a quiet shush before being led upstairs and into Ashton's room.

"Ashton? Are you alright?" His mother's voice called out worriedly, her footsteps being heard from upstairs which made the teenager frantically push Luke into his closet.

"Yep! I'm fine! Just needed to take a shower" Ashton responded, cutting off Luke's whines by shooting him death stares every now and then. He soon let out a sigh of relief once his mother replied a wary 'ok' before heading back downstairs.

"You need a shower" The younger boy mumbled, earning a distasteful snort from the alcohol smelling blond.

This was going to be a long night.

There you are my funkers, another drunk scene from our lovely Luke Hemmings.

Next chapter is in the process of being written! Stay tuned :P

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