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arctic monkeys - 505

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Slurred words and beer bottles clinking together filled Luke's ears with pain and doubt. He honestly had no idea what he was doing at the pub again for the third time this week; he hated to admit it, but he wished he never came here in the first place. Luke smiled and politely shook his head at the bartender who offered him a shot on the house, which made him become aware of how desperate and drunken he must've looked like. The blonde boy quickly gathered all of his things and pushed his way through the sweaty crowd that seemed to increase as the night went on. Luckily, it was only around 10 at night, and if Luke were to stay any longer, he was pretty sure he would forget where he was the next morning.

Luke sighed as he began to walk throughout the streets of his neighbourhood. He had lived here for so long, and he never felt welcomed or happy with with where he lived. Sure, his neighbours were rather friendly and made small talk here and there, but Luke never felt that warm sense of spirit in his hometown. It was though he was an outsider, and fitting in was never his strength at all.

The lonesome blond's eyes wondered over to the field once more, where he spotted that same boy Ashton sitting happily and content in a pool of flowers. Luke smiled at him from afar, although it may have looked creepy, he certainly couldn't help but admire the small teen that looked oh so happy in the one place he desired to be in most. Luke wished he was somewhat like that.

The surprisingly sober boy found himself walking toward Ashton. He was curious, yet also determined to engage in conversation with him and to find out a a few things about him. It was about time the older male made a few friends and finally interact with someone other than the bartenders at the pubs he goes to.

"Hey" Luke casually greeted, although it felt like hot lava was resting in his stomach. Considering the curly haired boy was absolutely breathtaking, it was almost impossible to get the words out of his mouth properly.

Luke could see Ashton flinch in the dark as he looked up from the flowers in his delicate little hands. Everything about him seemed so small and vulnerable. It was though he were a fragile feather and the strongest of winds could blow him away instantly.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Luke, the guy you helped while he was passed out" He chuckled, awkwardly resting his hand on the nape of his neck.

"Oh right! I remember you!" The small boy giggled, "How are you? I see you're not passed out this time"

Luke flushed instantly, making him thank the universe that this conversation was taking place so late at night. "I guess I didn't feel so up for it tonight. How about you? I see you here almost every day" Luke instantly regretted the comment that poured out just then. He automatically slapped a hand over his mouth, closing his eyes in embarrassment.

"Not that I stalk you or anything. I just happen to see you every time I walk by, that's all" He implied, the smaller boy giggling at the older boy's awkward approach. Ashton just thought he was so beautiful.

"Well I guess you could say I spend most of my time here. It's better than anywhere else anyway" Ashton squeaked, burying his head full of curls amongst the grass and flowers; making him almost invisible in the night.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Luke questioned, although he probably shouldn't have. Perhaps it was a sensitive topic the boy wasn't comfortable talking about. Besides, he had only just met him either way, so it would be impolite to intrude.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry, I just thought something else. Never mind" The blond reassured the teen shyly, his face flushing as his guilt rose.

The silence between them grew painfully quiet. It was one of those moments where Luke knows he should have kept quiet and not let his awkward nature disrupt everyone else. He was better off staying inside and only coming out to drink and forget where he was.

"I should go, sorry I bothered you" He announced, turning on his heels to walk away. Luke stopped as soon as that voice he seemed to adore called out after him.

"You aren't bothering me. Please, stay" Ashton smiled reassuringly, twisting the stem of a flower around his pinky finger. "I just really need someone right now"

He saw Ashton's face soften and he smiled as he bit his lip shyly; Luke didn't hesitate one bit as he sat down next to the timid teenager, grinning widely as soon as he felt Ashton place a daisy chain around his neck. The two then continued their much needed conversation, exchanging flirtatious smiles and remarks every now and then in the night.

It was a different scenario for the blond. He felt this feeling of warmth flooding back in through his constantly closed door. It's like all traces of alcohol and dreaded loneliness simply vanished into thin air.

And in that moment,

Luke finally felt wanted.

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