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mini mansions - vertigo ft alex turner

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City lights would flash by every few moments as Ashton's curls would be pushed back by the wind through Luke's car window. A surreal rush of adrenaline surged through the teenager's veins, and it was something so different and sudden for him to be experiencing such overwhelming things.

Ashton's face instantly lit up when he spotted the Sydney Opera House not even a mile away from Luke's car. He couldn't decide wether he adored it more at night or day, considering it was a sight he could never get tired of. Eventually, Luke parked his car at the Botanical Gardens, and the two began walking towards the popular tourist attraction.

"Have you ever been here before?" Luke asked, kicking a small pebble off of the footpath as his eyes wondered over the night sky smothered in stars.

"Once last year. I don't go to the main part of the city much, I hate bumping into all the drunks and druggies" Ashton replied bluntly, a guilty expression forming on Luke's face. If only the curly haired boy knew how much he drank each night, he would never go near him again.

"That's a shame. It's really beautiful, you could never get sick of it at all" The blond smiled, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his jacket.

Luke and Ashton slowly made their way up the steps of the Sydney Opera House, where they sat down on a railing and watched the city in the night unfold before them. They didn't talk to each other at all for a moment, only taking in the view of Sydney at its most breathtaking state.

"It's all so funny" Luke began talking, tapping his knee as he did so. "Life goes by so fast, yet people never take the time to stop and truly experience the wonders of the world. I wish I had all the time in the universe to meet different people and go to exciting new places"

The blond paused for a second and took in what he had said. Never had a moment in his life been so meaningful to Luke, and the words that came out of his mouth were somewhat reassuring to him. Either way, he felt a ton of bricks being removed from his shoulders and his worst fear was life going by too fast that you forget what you're truly missing out on.

Ashton hummed in agreement, tapping his knee rapidly as he looked up at the midnight blue with a swarm of tiny bright stars lighting up the dark sky.

"I feel like a slurpee and a brownie. How about you?" Luke questioned out of the blue, earning a shy giggle from Ashton in response.

"Not much of a brownie person, but a muffin would do" The curly haired teen admitted, causing Luke to gasp in defence.

"I just so happen to be a passionate lover of brownies thank you very much, and I can tell you right now I'm very offended" The blond retorted, raising his eyebrow cheekily at Ashton. The teenager couldn't stop smiling at Luke, and it occurred to him that he smiled a lot more often when the older male was around. It was something so magical, Ashton thought.

The two made their way to 7 Eleven which was conveniently only a few streets away, and they quickly purchased their desired snacks for the evening and made their way onto a stranded beach. Ashton kicked off his ratty old vans and buried his feet into the sand, making random patterns with his toes as Luke slurped his drink.

It was a weird feeling that burst inside Ashton. He had felt the most amount of loneliness in his life than anybody else, and for someone to approach him this way simply caught him off guard. It was a feeling that he hoped would never go away, and would willingly take over the spot of his constant silence.

Luke suddenly nudged Ashton's side, admiring his facial features in the prominent moonlight. Luke could sit down, admire Ashton, and write down over a hundred things he loved about him.

"Don't you reckon that group of stars looks like a baby carrot?" The blond sheepishly stated, pointing over to nowhere in particular. Ashton quickly understood that he was joking around, and he began laughing along with Luke.

And they did so the entire night.

My lonely ass loves fanfics like these ;D

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downtown daisies ; lashtonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora