Hurt (Keith x Reader)

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She limped, bloody and battered, to Keith's unmoving form on the floor.

Lance groaned behind her. Good, she thought, he's okay.

But Lance was not her concern. They had both been wounded, but Keith had taken the brunt of Haggar's attack.

He's probably okay, too, she hoped desperately, as he made her way to him, trying not to fall unconscious from exhaustion.

She dropped to her knees beside him, and pulled him towards her. She could see the rise and fall of his chest, albeit labored and slow.

"Keith..." she croaked weakly, shaking him. "Hey, wake up..."

Nothing. He did not make a sound. His eyes were closed, burrows furrowed as if he was having a nightmare. This was a nightmare.

They were beaten and Haggar had gotten their lions. She had discovered a way to command the material from which they were made with her magic. Somehow, she had overridden the bonds the paladins had with their lions. She had not bothered to kill them, however, leaving that to the inevitable fate of this planet that was falling apart.

They needed to get out. But how?

"Lance —" she started to call for him, but he was already by her side. He was okay. Okay as he could be under the circumstances.

Keith was still cradled in her arms.

"He doesn't look too good," Lance winced.

She tightened her grip over him. "He'll be okay," she responded firmly, "we just need to find a way off this rock before it implodes and takes us with it."

"Yeah, thank you for pointing out the obvious," he countered. She didn't have the energy for his sarcasm.

"Can you carry him?" she asked, gesturing to Keith.

Lance nodded, hauling Keith over his shoulders. Keith gave a slight moan, and her heart jumped. He would be okay. He would.

She stood and started forwards, Lance behind her.

"Do you know where we're going?" he gasped, struggling with the effort of carrying the boy.


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