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Y/N lay on her bed and stared up at her white ceiling. It had been two weeks since Keith had left for his most recent Blade of Marmora mission. It had been two weeks since she'd seen him. But it had definitely not been two weeks since she'd thought about him.

Y/N sighed. Things seemed to be going well for everyone. Lotor and Allura had slowly been working towards the construction of their magical spaceship, Pidge and Hunk were busying themselves with studying the Galra technology, and Lance had made companions of the mice. Well, everyone except for her.

With things quieting down, she had found that she was left with more and more time to herself. More and more time to wallow in her love-sickness, that is. Y/N sighed again, and shut her eyes, hoping that a dreamless sleep would help her escape from her biting loneliness. Or, maybe not exactly dreamless.

She could feel herself becoming less aware of her surroundings as fatigue took hold of her when a knock at the door startled her awake again. Strange....who could that possibly be?

"Uh...come in?" she called out, as she sat up.

It was Keith. He was taller, his shoulders broader, and his frame leaner. His unruly hair had grown even further past his neck and curled across the length of his cheek bones. He was...well, he was beautiful. She didn't think it was possible for Keith to become any more attractive. She was glad that she been so very wrong. And he was standing in her doorframe. Looking at her.

She wanted to run to him, and throw her arms around him, tell him how much she had missed him, how happy she was to see him, to have him here. And, for a moment, she considered it. To hell with social convention. But, as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, her courage instantly evaporated.

"Y/N...why are you still awake?"

That was not what she had expected him to say. He had knocked on her door after all. Did he not intend to wake her up?

"I-I couldn't sleep," she admitted. "I was worried about you." Y/N's cheeks reddened at the sudden realization that she had said "I" and not "we".

"You were?" a slight smile painted Keith's features. Seeing him smile, the slight crease in his cheek that came with it, and how his eyes shot from hers to the walls repeatedly, made Y/N decide to drop the bullshit once and for all.

"I was," she spoke firmly now. Y/N stood up and walked to stand in front of him. She was startled again by his physical change. Beyond that, something else seemed different about him. He seemed much less guarded to her now. Like a door had opened, and she was finally allowed to look inside.

"Keith, this is going to sound weird....but did you get older?"

"Two years older," he replied. In response to her confused expression, Keith proceeded to explain the events of the last two weeks to her — or, rather, the last two years as he experienced it — and the journey that he and Krolia — who, Y/N learned was his mother — had taken.

When he was finished, Y/N was not sure what to say. So, she said the dumbest thing she could in that moment.

"It hasn't been two years for me....but I still missed you," she said. "A lot," she added quietly without looking at him.

Keith actually smiled then. "The thing is... being away for so long gave me a lot of time to think," he started.

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed. Where was he going with this?

"I thought about coming home. What I wanted to do when the mission was over. There were a lot of things. But mostly, I just wanted to see you," he finished.

Y/N could not believe her ears. Was this hotter, older Keith really telling her that he had thought of her while he was away? The same way that she thought about him? She wanted to ask him to repeat herself, but she just kept quiet, and watched him, waiting to see what he would do next.

His eyes wandered to her mouth now. And then back to her eyes, as if asking for permission. And then back to her mouth again. He leaned in closer...and then, Y/N heard a sharp sound. She shot up in response to the knock at her door. And then Pidge's voice: "Y/N, wake up! Keith's back!"

Y/N buried her face in her hands. Damn it.

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