Stranded Part I

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Keith and Y/N trekked through the muddy terrain of the foreign plant on which they had been stranded. Keith's hair was plastered to his forward with sweat, and Y/N stumbled as they slowly moved across the sticky ground, their boots making a loud SQUELCH with each step.

Y/N had never been as exhausted as she was then. She was struggling to keep herself upright. But she pushed through it anyways, trying to keep on a brave face for Keith's sake. They were stuck (pun unintended) here together, and she would not be the one to slow him down. So, she ignored her aching limbs, her hunger, her thirst, the stench, and reminded herself that she could rest once they made it to the rendez-vous point.

"I'd kill for a long, hot shower, right about now," Y/N moaned. Keith glanced at her. The tips of his ears were red, though from exertion or blushing Y/N wasn't sure.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, me too," Keith responded. Y/N blushed herself. She was also easily flustered. But at least the thought of Keith in a shower was a blissful distraction from her present circumstances.

"Well, as soon as we get home, we can take one." Realizing her mistake as she said this, Y/N scrambled to correct herself. "Uh—That—That is, you and I will each take a shower. Separately. Not at the same time. Or, in the same place," Y/N frantically said.

"I get it," Keith raised his eyebrows.

"You-you do? Good, I mean - I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea."

"And what idea would that be?" Keith said, a blank look on his face.

Was he toying with her? She considered her reply carefully, seeing if she could come up with anything witty or charming to say. But she was fresh-out at the moment.

"Nevermind. Let's just keep moving," Y/N replied.

They trudged along in silence for a little while longer before Y/N noted she was falling to the ground. She must've tripped on some rock. She held her hands out to brace for the impact, but instead found herself supported by a firm figure. Keith was looking at her. His expression was a mixture of bemusement and something...else. It was a funny look he was giving her. As if he was sizing her up, deciding how best to take her down.

She was about to say something, when Keith leaned down and she felt his warm breath on her dirt-stained neck. He said nothing. Neither of them moved. And then, he released her.

"You okay?" he asked her, looking away.

She was definitely not okay. But she just smiled and nodded as they continued onwards.

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