Possessed Part 6

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Y/N had no idea how long she had been sitting there, wide-eyed and dumbfounded. She had failed again. Failed to keep him safe. And now he was in that witch's grasp. He could be hurt because of her. He could be ki—No. She wouldn't let herself think about that. Killing Keith would be a strategic mistake on Haggar's part. If she had wanted to kill him, she would have done it by now. She wanted something else. To use him to destroy Voltron, surely.

The loss of Keith finally began to overwhelm Y/N. She was aware that he was gone, of course, but it wasn't until this moment that she was aware of his glaring absence, and her own hopelessness. Y/N tried to resist the tears she felt welling in her eyes, but they came down relentlessly. She was bawling now, her head resting on the control panel. For a few moments longer, she let herself feel everything she'd been holding up inside her. All the pain, anxiety, shame, self-loathing, worry ... all of it. And she released it. She let it all drift away into the nothingness of space as a new emotion seized her: determination. Y/N was going to save Keith. It didn't matter what it took to do it. She would not rest until he was free. Y/N was proud, but she was not stupid. She knew that she would need help to do it, even if it meant admitting her costly blunder to her friends.

Immediately upon returning to the Castle, Y/N headed straight for Allura's room. She hated waking her up, but she would just have to apologize later. She did not want to leave Keith under Haggar's spell for any longer than necessary.

Y/N briefly recounted the events of Keith's departure to Allura, who then promptly assembled the remaining paladins and Coran to debrief the situation in more detail. They all agreed that they would need to act fast.

"We need to face the possibility that this could itself be a trap. We can't form Voltron without Keith. Haggar might be luring us to face something that only Voltron can defeat," Pidge stated matter-of-factly.

She was right, of course. Keith could simply be bait for something much worse. But Y/N felt as though there was more to it than that.

"Regardless, we must find a way to rescue Keith. And we must begin by determining exactly how it is that Haggar is controlling him," Allura interjected. "Y/N, describe Keith's behavior to us when you last saw him."

Y/N did. Trying to maintain some sort of objectivity, Y/N detailed her two meetings with Keith after they had returned to the Castle.

Allura said nothing. She was engrossed in her thoughts. She seemed...uneasy. So did Coran.

"Princess, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Coran said softly.

"What?" Y/N looked between them in confusion. Allura averted her eyes.

"I'm...afraid so."

"Would you guys just come out with it already?" Lance groaned.

"Y/N ... what you've described is a form of Altean alchemy used to command organic matter. I've never seen it used to do this kind of control, however. It's evidently her own innovation on the subject," Allura explained in revulsion.

"And, how do we release him from it?" Y/N demanded.

"I—I don't know. The only ones that can override the alchemical manipulation are the alchemist and the subject. That is to say, only Haggar or Keith could do it."

"So.... basically, Keith has to save himself?" Lance sighed. "Always has to be the big hero. Even when he's the damsel in distress."

Y/N's mind was reeling.

Hunk's voice came next. "We're supposed to just wait and see if he...comes back himself?"

Y/N understood then what it was that they needed to do.

"No. We need to kill that witch," she spat.

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