Lose It Part V

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Y/N awoke to find herself lying on a large mattress, her head cradled by a multitude of white pillows. She was surprised to note that she felt — physically speaking — fine. She was completely unharmed save for a dull headache. She looked around, assessing her surroundings. Keith lay on a bed next to hers, just as luxurious. He was breathing softly, inhaling through his nose, and exhaling quietly through his mouth. Y/N made her way over to him. She hesitated for a moment, not wanting to disturb his peace. He was always under so much pressure to lead, to protect her and the others. It made her happy to see him like this, the worry and stress erased entirely from his features. But now was not that time. They could both rest later, but she needed him now, with her, to face what was to come.

"Keith," she called, as she shook his shoulders gently. "Keith, wake up."

Keith mumbled something in his sleep, and then raised his arm up towards her as if reaching for a handshake. Y/N's held back a yelp as his hand encircled her waist and he pulled her into him and returned to his slumber. Engulfed by his warm embrace, Y/N was now seriously tempted to pretend they were not being held prisoner by hostile rebels. She allowed herself one moment of pleasure, wherein she settled into her place against his chest, and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She had never been so near him before, although she had dreamed about it a thousand times. This close, she could see every freckle, every scar, every blemish lining his uncovered skin. She wanted to touch each one, marvel at it, learn its story. But they did not have time for that. Carefully, she untangled herself from her cocoon in his arms (she did not want him waking up to that), and tried again, more forcefully.

This time, Keith jumped immediately out of the bed in response to her calls, his bayard drawn. That was strange. Their weapons had not been confiscated. After a few frantic moments, Keith sheathed his sword, and looked her over.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his brows furrowed in concern.

"I'm fine. Actually, we both are...somehow. Maybe they want to be friends?" Y/N suggested, as she patted the bed.

"Let's find a way out of here," Keith responded, moving towards the door. Again, Y/N was shocked to see that their exit was unguarded and unlocked. They had no problem leaving the room. She considered briefly that she might be dreaming.

But standing outside the door stood a small figure. A plump, blue-skinned man with yellow markings on his forehead, and comedically enlarged lenses covering his eyes. He blinked at the two of them, and grinned widely.

"I trust that your rest was pleasant. You must have many questions. Empress Vulka is eagerly awaiting your arrival, and she will be happy to answer all of them. If you'll just follow me, I can take you to her immediately," the man chattered on.

Y/N was compelled to follow him, though she did not know why. He just appeared to be trustworthy. She wanted to trust him. But her path forward was blocked by Keith's outstretched arm.

"You aren't taking us anywhere, except out of here," Keith spoke firmly.

The man blinked back in surprise. He smiled again.

"My dear boy, you have nothing to be afraid of here. The empress only seeks to greet you. It is the least you can do after she has made your visit such a comfortable one," the man insisted.

"Keith, maybe we can just go with him? I don't think he means us any harm," Y/N said, placing a hand on Keith's shoulder. Y/N felt that she needed to convince Keith to go with this man. To meet this empress. She gave Keith her best smile.

He glanced at her hand, still placed steadily on his shoulder, and hesitated.

"Fine. Take us to her," he yielded finally.

The blue-skinned man's grin widened even more. His brilliant white teeth shone. He started forwards. To himself, he mumbled, "Interesting, very interesting indeed."

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