Possessed (Keith/Lance x Reader)

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She saw the witch turn her attention to him, raising her arms in preparation for an attack of some sort.

"KEITH, WATCH OUT!" she frantically tried to warn him. But it was too late.

Keith convulsed in agony as Haggar channeled her terrible power into his body. Y/N pointed her laser gun in Haggar's direction, hoping to stop her, when suddenly, the witch lowered her arms. Y/N gaped at the scene, confused. Why did she stop? No, he can't be— but Keith had not collapsed. He was standing, his eyes closed.

Y/N ran towards him. "Keith, are you..." she trailed off, as she watched him lift his head. His eyes were open now, but had rolled back into his head so that only the whites were visible.

Y/N covered her mouth. What's going on? Is he okay? Tentatively, she took a few more steps toward him. His eyes had become a glowing purple now and his grip tightened around his sword.

"Hey, what's—," she started. But before she could finish her question, Keith whipped forward, pinning her to the ground, sword raised as if to slice her head off.

"No," she whispered, wide-eyed. For a moment, she did nothing. Keith also did not bring his sword down. He seemed to be struggling with something. Then, she attempted, desperately, to get out from under him. But it was no use. He was much stronger than her.

Keith seemed to have resolved his struggle now, and he plunged his sword toward her heart.

She braced herself.

CLANG! went the sound of metal-on-metal as another sword met his. Lance! The distraction was enough for her to roll out, away from her attacker, as Keith's attention shifted to his new opponent.

"I know Keith is always joking about wanting to kill me, but is he actually trying to kill me this time?" Lance yelled to Y/N, eyes not leaving Keith.

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