Lose It Part II

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It was getting dark now. Keith and Y/N had reached the coordinates that Allura had specified, but had found nothing.

"Maybe we should call the Castle to come pick us up," Y/N suggested, "It doesn't look like there's anything here."

Keith didn't respond. His eyes were trained on a distant spot in the desert ahead of them. The entire planet was covered in desert, spreading in all directions as far as the eye could see. Y/N watched him for a moment. She couldn't help herself. She only looked away when he turned toward her to speak.

"I think there's something there," Keith said, pointing somewhere ahead.

"Where?" Y/N asked as she squinted her eyes and scanned the place where Keith had pointed. "I don't see anything."

Y/N held back a yelp as Keith's hands gripped her shoulders, and he positioned her to face the direction he wanted. "Look again," he insisted. This time, she saw it. A glint in the distance. Like that of a coin when it's held up to a light.

Without another word, both Y/N and Keith made their way toward it, still unsure what it actually was. As they walked, they noticed that the desert was gradually making way to a grassland, which was in turn transforming into a lush forest. Before long, they were walking among towering trees of varying colors, and sizes. The forest was both familiar and foreign to Y/N.

Finally, Keith stopped. He furrowed his eyebrows. What is going on? Y/N wondered in fascination. How had the landscape changed so abruptly? Was that what they had seen? The hint of this illusion?

She watched Keith as he slammed his hand forward. To Y/N's surprise, rather than pass through thin air, Keith's hand hit something. Something solid. An invisible wall? Y/N thought in shock.

"What the hell?" she said, out loud this time as she moved to place her hand on the wall as well.

"Looks like we found it," Keith said, stepping back to survey the — well, she didn't know. "Now we just have to find a way in."

"A way into what?" Y/N gaped, still confused by what was happening. As Keith opened his mouth to answer, a loud noise emerged from the invisible structure. Before Y/N could even process what she was witnessing, Keith grabbed her hand and pulled her to the ground beside him beneath some underbrush.

Y/N couldn't help but note how close he was. Not exactly by choice. Their hiding place was quite small. Still, he was close enough that his breath tickled her face when he moved to whisper to her.

"Galra rebels," he gasped. The two of them watched a pair of armed, suited figures exiting the structure, and marching out the way that Keith and Y/N had come. It seemed as though they had been alerted to an unwanted presence near their headquarters. As soon as they were gone, and while the door was still open, Keith sprang into a sprint toward it. Y/N did not think this was such a good idea, but having had no time to reason with him, followed anyway, hoping that they would not come face-to-face with the end of someone's weapon.

The inside of the structure was illuminated in an eerie lavender light. Keith was completely still before her. His hands were curled into fists at his side.

"What — " Y/N started as she made her way to stand beside him. But, she was cut short by the sight before her. Three Lions stood in the center of the room. Black, blue and red. Each an exact replica of a Lion of Voltron.

Y/N gripped Keith's arm, and turned toward him, terror painting her features.

"What the hell?"

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