Lose It Part IV

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"Y/N!" Keith yelled through her earpiece. "What's wrong?!"

Y/N tried to reply but she could not move her lips. It was as though the entire cockpit was rigged to electrocute its pilot. Tears streamed down her face as it twisted in agony.

"Y/N, hold on. I'm coming over there," Keith shouted, when she did not reply.

No. Y/N thought desperately. If he came inside, he'd be engulfed by the current too. Y/N tried to warn him, but her attempt to say something came out instead as choked gargle. She looked on helplessly as the door opened, and Keith scrambled inside to get to her. Y/N's eyes screamed at him to stay back, but it was too late. Keith dropped to the floor beside her, and screamed in awful pain with her.

He gritted his teeth, his arm still outstretched to grab hers. With all the strength she had left, Y/N clasped his hand and pulled herself toward him.

And then, the Blue Lion powered off. Y/N and Keith lay side-by-side, arms still clinging to one another. She turned effortfully to face him, and saw that his eyes were closed, and sweat gleamed across his brow. Her own world was spinning. Just before losing consciousness, she saw a figure standing in the doorway and heard its deep, heavily accented voice.

"Looks like the little heroes took our bait," it said.

A grating voice came then, like nails scraping across a blackboard.

"Tie them up. Empress Vulka likes her meat fresh."

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