Lose It Part I

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Y/N and Keith had been sent on a scouting trip to Cornyio, a small planet where it was believed that a central headquarters for the rebel alliance was located. Although Lotor had assumed some measure of leadership among his people, there were still those who wanted to see him overthrown and the Galra Empire returned to its practice of violent colonization. It was going to be difficult to completely extinguish these rebel forces, but they could at least start by mapping out their hubs of operation. 

And, that's what Y/N and Keith were here to do. Not to try and take them all down, as she'd reminded Keith, but just to take a look, make some observations, and then return to report their findings. They had left their Lions behind, and were making their way on foot to the coordinates that Allura had given them.

It was a boring walk. Keith didn't talk much. In fact, he didn't talk at all. Simply nodded politely whenever she attempted to make small talk to pass the time. Eventually, Y/N gave up on trying to be friendly and stayed quiet. She liked him, but she had no delusions about him liking her back. So, she settled for the content feeling his presence gave her.

Chirp. Y/N stopped and looked around. "Did you hear that?" she asked Keith. He shook his head. She shrugged and they continued to walk.

Chirp. There it was again. Followed by several more. It sounded like bird's chirps, but it also sounded like a humming. The kind that a person would make. She paused to really listen then. 

Whatever creatures these were, they were singing a song. Y/N was tired of her walk, tired of this day. So, as she closed her eyes and listened to the soft music, she felt like dancing.

She had a really great bad idea moment then.

Y/N stepped closer to Keith. He looked back at her in hesitant confusion. She took both his hands and started to pull them back and forth as she swayed in beat with the music. Keith was completely still. He was looking at their intertwined hands in surprise, and his face was tense.

Again, she tried urging him to dance with her. He didn't seem to get it, at first, but slowly he joined her dance. Y/N broke out in a grin so wide that Keith couldn't help but smile back.

And they danced.

Their dancing was not exactly...good. But, it was fun. They jumped together, and he twirled her toward him, and then away. They linked arms and spun together in circles until they couldn't stand anymore. When the chirping died down, they finally plopped onto the ground in giddy exhaustion. Y/N was laughing and Keith was smiling, and looking at her. She noticed how open his face was then. He's being himself, she realized. No barriers, no pretenses, no appearances.

And then, just as soon as it had begun, it ended. His expression changed into a serious one again.

"We should keep moving," he said, offering her his hand as he stood up, but averting his face.

She took it. "Yep," she sighed. She was sad their fun had come to an end so soon. She had wanted more time with this Keith, who looked at her with openness and acceptance. But she smiled at her victory. She had managed to lure him out today, and she would do it again. 

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