The End (last chapter)

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So everyone took turns and I saw Victoria hugging Austin. Are they dating? I have no clue. Then Selena was hugging Marcus. Then Conner and Maddy were hugging. Logan was hugging Taylor. Then Brianna was hugging Kendall. Alexa came and was hugging Carlos serious I am lonely. Everyone took turns and now was my turn. I walked in and saw her lifeless. I broke down. Then I walked to Jacky and kissed her in the lips. Then........... the thing that shows you are dead or alive showed that Jacky was alive. WTF. I never knew that was possible. I called a docter.  The docter came and walked in the room.

Docter: This is impossible 

Me: Well its possible 

Docter: What did you do I

Me: I just kissed her 

Docter: Ok so we are going to run a couple of test on her and we will predict when she will wake up

Me: Ok thanks sir

I was happy that Jacky is alive and she is with us again. I couldn't believe this was possible. I walked back a little happier. I walked to the waiting room and everyone looked at me wried cause I looked happy. 

Kendall: Why you happy (crying) 

James: You should be sad because your love died (crying) 

Me: No she is alive

Victoria: Really but how 

Me: I kissed her and she came back to life

Selena: I guess true love could even bring someone back to life

Austin: Ya I gues 

Haley: Yay my friend is alive

Taylor,Maddy,&Brianna: You mean our friend

Zendaya: Mine too 

Spencer: Glad she is alive 

Carlos&Alexa: Everyone is happy

Marcus,Conner,&Logan: True that 

So all of us were happy. Of course because Jacky was alive. I told them that the docter were going to run some test to see how she is doing and stuff. I hope she is doing ok. I can't wait till she recovers. Then my next big journey is to find out who almost killed Jacky. I will get that person back. For making Jacky almost dieing. All of us decied we should go eat. 

Me: So were should we go

Austin: I have no clue

Zendaya: Any suggestions 

Spencer: No 

Haley: Wait hold on never mind

James: I don't think anyone knows

Kendall: Ya 

Logan: Why don't we drive around 

Carlos: And then we could see if we would like something

Marcus: Ya that sounds like a good idea

Selena: Itlooks lonely here

Victoria: I agree

Maddy: I don't see anything

Conner: Niether do I

Brianna: I see lights

Taylor: Lets go to Taco Bell since it was the first thing I saw (laughing) 

Me: Ok 

So we parked and all got off. We parked and went inside we got our food. It was kind of lonely in here. Wonder why so we decied to be loud. Of course only us. I laughed at the thought the only person missing is Jacky. 

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