The Begining

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I started to pack my things for my trip... I had only the essentials like my hair brush my mascara and my- "Viola! Get down here right NOW!" Oh god I guess I'm in trouble with my 'parents' I don't even know what I do maybe this time it will be different I thought secretly. I sighed in the middle of packing my things then strutted down the stairs ready for my punishment or lecture, god I can't wait to see my friends and get away.


I walked slowly into the half finished kitchen with maggots on the dishes and left over pizza in the floor, god now I can't wait to get away! "Look at this.. The mess I told you to clean up!" Bellowed Prolly as she stared at me with intense anger. Before I knew it my back hit the wall I felt something happen to me it was like a clear white mist coming from my soul all the way to the man sinking itself deep into his heart. I felt his emotions change from frustration to anger. I didn't know what was going on! I was a few centimetres in the air when a mans grasped my shirt refusing to let go of me "Now, now haven't we told you to make it spotless in here!" Shouted my father through this breath of alcohol. I quivered under his manly grip and his rancid breath. Suddenly I felt the mist retreat from him and go back into me. Prolly touched his shoulder saying through her eyes let her go she isn't worth it. He let me collapse to the floor but before I could go I was gasping for air it was like my soul was being placed back into my body. Without a reason he said "Get out." I was confused and at the same time I was crawling for fresh air. He put his fingers on the dent in his nose and rubbed it vigorously. "We said get out!" Repeated Prolly I scampered to my feet. I got the message, I rushed upstairs and packed as fast as I could to get away from this hell hole. I was always planing to run away but it was too soon!
I finished packing my suitcase and lugged it downstairs I took one last look at my despicable parents kissing while my dad held a can of beer in his hands. That was it. I walked out of the door. Not once looking back at the life I now left!

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