Halle's past and Second power surge that could risk everything...

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I woke up to my alarm. I got dressed in my training clothes (which were white with black buttons much like a lab coat.) and walked out of my room. I walked to the meeting room to see a new face. I smirked at them and sat down. They seemed intimidated by me but I didn't care. Most people were especially if they were knew. I don't know what cause it but it was weird. But what I did care about was the fact that she had powers. 'That was weird' I thought no one has ever been able to start their powers straight away before. Odd. In the room she was stopping time by stopping the clock by clicking her fingers. I think her name is Angel?

I looked away from her and waited for Daniel to give me my orders for the day.
After awhile he came and told me that I was going to be on a mission with a fellow scientist. Trying to find new samples to enhance the chance for new people to be given powers. Daniels hair was a very bright orange ginger and he had a few moustache hairs on his top lip. He had May badges and sown on patterns in his C.E.O uniform. I smiled and walked out. I followed the corridor all the way past the lunch hall where we all ate our well deserved meals and past multiple test rooms and blood test analysis. The thought of the needle made me shiver but I just had to endure it. When I got to the end of the hallway and got ready for my mission everything in my bag like specimen strips, magnifying glass and some other things.

As I was about to walk out I saw something I didn't expect other people that were in the same uniform as me were throwing lifeless people out of the building. It made me realise that they were just taking powers not giving them like they told me they were. It all made sense now! The specimens were to test people's powers to see if they could harness and take them away!

I gasped and clasped my moth and hid behind a box of crates so when one of my fellow scientists went to investigate they couldn't see me. When I was sure I would t be noticed I walked as fast as I could into the main control system. I tried to destroy the system to set the powerless people free and to possibly release the powers that I related whee kept on syringes in the chronicle ice chamber. But when I failed because my hacking skills were not strong enough. And was denied access I ran to my comrade and yelled at him.

"How could you do this!" I screamed as I raised my hand and pushed him in the shoulder
"You saw far too much I'm afraid I have to dispose of you..."
I tried to walk back in fear and horror but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him. He then covered my mouth and lead me to this room marked 'testing room 483' He then pushed me into the room and bolted the door shut behind him. I tried to find and exit but I was unsuccessful he then grasped my hand and pulled to towards this table then strapped me to it. I tried to get out but failed.

As he was certain I was strapped down right and couldn't escape he opened the door to welcome in a women. Around 5ft six with strawberry blonde hair and a very serious expression on her face. What I didn't notice though in her hand she held a needle which was marked as 'Test Substance [1A] She walked closer and closer to me with my hands shaking and my entire body sweating she bent down and whispered to me
"Close your eyes it won't hurt a bit but just remember this for fur or reference my name is Vinos!"

Many months or weeks past and she did experiments on me and such everyday at a certain time following a schedule. I thought Daniel knew about this but he didn't. It was like this for ages. There was this other girl i never knew I think her name was Rosie I wasn't allowed even met her because I wasn't allowed to leave that one room I was in prisoned in because I tried to destroy the industry to help the people. SHe continued with the experiments... Until when they decided that they were going to take my newly found powers. I found out I had powers because when she was going to put a needle into me to take away my power I used my mind to hit it onto a wall. It turned out I had powers but didn't know. I used one of my powers to harm one of the scientists. I then used telekenesis to unstrap myself. I quickly jumped out of the stable and kicked the scientist with my foot to make sure she was out. She was. I then removed the wires attached to me and made a break for the emergency exit. Using my powers on anyone who tried to stop me. That was when I escaped. That was the last time I saw that building. I made myself forget the horrors I have seen until when I need to unlock the memory's but I will only do that if it's the last option...

"So now you know." Said halle "you know my past on how I found my powers and how I know her and this place and how I used to work for them."

I could sense Halle's feelings and she felt disgusted about what she did. I did my best to ease her pain without being detected however I had no luck because the moment I tried to use my power I felt a brush of power hit against me making it hard to breath. I saw the colour of the power. It was a white mist. My own power was against me.

I couldn't stop it or control my emotions either that what was making me have another power surge. I looked at everyone in that room Halle and Vinos they were screaming as their lungs filled with smoke and it looked as though their souls were deteriorating. I had to stop this.

I screamed more and more as pain was inflicted into my body as the illusion of lava and ash and smoke filled my vision, I felt suddenly scared and hot like burning hot. I saw someone crawling on what looked like the lava with my limited strength to look at the person I saw it was Halle. She finally got to then stopped suddenly both of us were heaving. With her hands shaking she reached for mine and held it tight. She leans towards my head and with her soothing voice whispered in my ear
"Y-you can d-do this just t-trust in y-your power."
Halle's voice started to fade as her hand loosened her grip on mine. I could feel her slipping
"No no no Halle wake up please Halle please!" I started to shake her as much as I could before my energy started to faded... I just had to stay awake I had to! I pulled on my energy and began to pull in my white mist power. Every power that emitted back into my body was like being burnt alive. But I know that if I do this I will save Halle

One last bit was left I felt semi-conscious but I couldn't stop until it was all gone... finally it was all Gone and I was overloaded with fatigue. I shook Halle one last time and this time her eyes flickered and her fingers moved. I exhaled and fell back onto the ground to rest. Before I knew it I was in a deep slumber...

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now