Viola and The Healer

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Sam came as quickly as Halle called him to. He saw me screaming and covering my ears as he walked into the secret chamber where Mikelle kicked me down. He felt the flush of magic against his skin as he walked closer to Halle and me. His face reflected fear and shock. He managed to get the words out of his mouth.
"I have NEVER see or heard of anyone with this power! What are we going to do with her? She is dangerous! A power surge of this magnitude could kill us all!"
Halle thought for a moment then answered with
"She is the only one that has these powers and soon she will learn and unlock many more. If I train her on how to harness her power and controller and use it as she pleases then she will no longer be a danger to us. But I need you to calm her and comfort her please otherwise she-."

I cut them off as I screamed and sent an illusion around Halle and Sam and changed their emotions to fear as there was lava beneath them and fire clawing at them trying to engulf them in the flames.
"Sam hurry!" Halle screamed as though she was burning.
Sam crawled towards me and held my hands in his and with his hand holding mine he projected his grey energy into my heart soothing me and calming me.
My power surge started to decrease into nothing as the white mist propelled back into my body sending Sam, Halle, and me gasping for air.
"Thank you sam." Said halle through gasping breaths
"Your welcome. Can I request a favour?" Asked Sam
"Yes anything. What is it?" Asked Halle
"Can I be the one to train her as well as you?"
Silence spread through the secret opening as Halle contemplated her answer
"Yes." Said Halle "-but with a condition!"
"What condition?"
"We all train her as well. Every tribe leader has a chance to train her."
Sam couldn't argue with her even though they were both descendants of the first 4 tribe creators. Halle was in the tribe council as the leader.
Halle had one more thing to say. "Sam." Said Halle
"Before you go we need to get her enrolled into the Tribal School For gifted Students."
"Sure thing Halle."
"Should we train her first?" Said Sam
"Yes! Of course! Otherwise she could have a power surge. Then after that I would like you and others of my choice to go to school with her to protect her and help her if she accidentally loses control."
"Okay Halle." Said Sam then he left.
I was still lying on the floor until Halle used her telekinesis to lift me up and take me further into the chamber.
"Halle..." I said
"Yes Viola I know what you are going to say, your okay you are with me I will never leave your side okay but rest now you used a lot of energy for that power surge."
I headed her words and fell into a deep slumber...

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