Mikelle's past

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Mikelle's backstory:

On my way home from the shops I spent the little money I had for water. It was one year before I was sold. I got a phone call from the hospital, explaining that my grandma was attacked and was on the brink to death. After hearing this i ran to the hospital at the fastest speed I could manage at an empty stomach. I was finally at the hospital where my grandma was at. When I slowly walked into the room i saw her grandma's lifeless body. In the hospital gown they had placed on her frail body. I ran to her with tears in her eyes. I hugged my grandma as everyone gave me an few minuets to say my good byes. Once i made contact with my grandma, she started to breath heavily. I was scared and confused on this so I ran to the alert button and spammed it multiple times and called the nurses and doctors.

The nurses and doctors ushered me outside and put an oxygen mask on her face. On my way out I asked the nurse at the front desk where the attacker is now. She told me the place and I headed there. With anger and vengefulness In my eyes. Once i arrived I knocked on the door and waited patiently. Clenching my fist. When the door opened there was a man. With multiple tattoos and a nose piercing. And a green Mohawk, I was furious and grabbed the man's hand. The man was startled at first but then he lost all the power and energy he had. He tried to release me grip and punch me but he was so weak so fast. And in a few minutes he dropped drag. I stared at his body in disbelief and shock. I started to back away in fear then it turned to a walk then into a run. I ran The way home otherwise I would be more beaten up for missing my curfew.

I was still shocked when I got home what happened to my grandma and the man? I ran to the basement which was my room and turned on he dim light and began to research powers and life and death how to harness it and control it. In a few weeks I learned how to control my power using flowers and other things like that to test on. I decided to only used it if necessary. That's how I found out that I can control life and death.

My secret is my long lost twin. I was born by a different mother when our father cheated on our mother Prolly then when I was 4 years old. I witnessed my twin Viola being abused for the first time through the basement where I was locked in. Unable to do anything about it. Unable to stop it.

I suddenly heard my father coming down the steps and scooped me up in his arms he had a hatred look In his eyes. He then lead me outside of the house. We walked down multiple streets then we finally stopped my father was talking to a man and then he handed me over. I didn't know what was happening all I knew was that I was sold to the lab as a lab rat for testing by my father he betrayed me! I was 10 when he sold me...

Rosie I thought please be okay please escape. I was terrified I saw Rosie staring at me through the gap and I screamed to her RUN ROSIE GO! But she wouldn't go so I prepared myself for the man walking towards me with a blue lab coat on and a dagger in his hand. I was terrified I knew it was going to happen eventually.
"Because we need to make sure you can't use your powers against us we need to dispose of you, anyway we have no use for you or your powers... it was your sister we wanted!" Said the man and he placed the dagger high above his head among for my heart.
"No not my sister you will never have her!" I screamed
"Oh I assure you WE WILL! But anyway you can't stop us!"

I tried to use my powers but I couldn't I was too scared. Finally he marked where I was going to be stabbed. I closed my eyes and prepared for the pain. I saw Rosie satiating with horror. Tears filled my eyes as I felt it piercing my skin. I closed my eyes.

After they thought they had killed me I felt woozy and I was bleeding out behind the dumpsters. I knew I couldn't survive this I could feel
My life slipping away. It was too painful too unbearable I just felt so tired I wanted to sleep. So I closed my eyes slowly... As my eyes were closed I could feel a black mist emitting from where my wound was and in my last moments I could feel the power being drawn to my wound and every inch of my power was saving me, healing the wound, brining me back to life. Air filled my chest and blood filled my cheeks and heart. I could feel my blood pumping again!
I was still too weak to stand up or move so I just laid there and waited for my body to fully heal. In the shadows I saw a girl with black hair and a beautiful complexion walk towards me. I couldn't grab my powers to protect me I was defenceless! She bent down towards me and said
"Don't worry your safe now my name is Halle I'm just like you I will take you to the only place our kind is safe... the camp" she said all of that in her mind.
I knew I could trust her so I let her lift me up. I stared at the sky and closed my eyes so I could rest. That's how I met Halle.

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