The Truth comes out {Pt. 1}

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I lay there with my head puzzled and my vision blurred. I stared straight at Halle she had a bit more strength than I had right now. I heard a few knocks on the door and immediately Halle crawled as much as she could to me to protect me just incase. When the door creaked open there stood a smug Daniel. He came in and locked the door multiple times. "Tic tock girls." Said Daniel tapping his watch. "Only time will tell if anyone comes-." I cut him off his speech,
"Who will come!" I Asked more like a shout
"Well you'll have to wait and see but to be sure she comes I have to take a deposit."
"Why do u need her!?" I Shouted
"For a trap"
Halle gasped as Daniel came closer to me then she through herself in front of me. But that is what he wanted because he grabbed Halle by the neck and chained her hands to his arm. No! I thought not Halle! This is what he had wanted. On my bed I struggled trying to release the binds keeping me to the bed. Halle desperately trying to release his grip on her. "It's better if you don't struggle my dear as your friend will Soon be here!" Chuckled Daniel as Halle screamed out with
"No you won't take any more of my family!"
"Oh it's not her I want it's a trap to lure all of your friends in!"
At that Halle and me screamed and struggles more but couldn't get out.
"Where are you taking her!" I screeched
"Somewhere as.... bait! Bye for now."
Then Daniel pulled Halle trying to get her away from me but her hands refused to let go of mine. I screamed out with
"Hold On don't let go!"
"Never!" She Screamed
Daniel wouldn't let go but he blurted out with
"Well well you have to let go for your.... training..."
Halle and Viola refused to let go


Mikelle was walking for about a few miles when she finally had to stop to rest and drink some water and eat some berries. I can't be that far from them can I? She sighed and drank a few gulps of clear blue water. I have to get her! Thought Mikelle and find Halle.
She continued alone her tracks until she stumbled soon a merchant and bought a loaf of bread and some cheese and berries with the money she saved. She then paid the merchant and continued on her trails


I wouldn't let go but then as our hands began to slip Daniel pointed for one of his men to go in the room we were both screaming when they put an electric wire on my palm which forced us to let go. I screamed in pain as Daniel pulled Halle away and they gagged my mouth. I charged for the door and began to bang on it until I felt a stabbing pain in my shoulder...

When I awoke I was confined to a seat and with all wires and different types of tubes in me. It hurt like hell! There were multiple light pointing down at me and nurses staring into my soul. My eyes started to blur and everything and everyone around me transformed into the camp which I once called my home... I saw Kotryna and Sam and Halle and Mikelle and Rosie. They were all laughing then the sky turned dark and they all turned their gazes to me. I tried to back away but they just came closer and closer until Mikelle grabbed my arms and I could feel the life being drained from my soul. Then Kotryna flicker her fingers and a swarm of vines pulled my arms away from Mikelle's hands and the vines started to swarm all around my body, neck and in my mouth and nose. I could feel the pain and torture it was more than I could endure. Then Sam and Halle walked towards me and Halle said "you do t belt no here!" Then fling me into the wall then Sam started punching and kicking me as the vines grew tighter and tighter until I was unable to breathe. Why would they betray me? I guess I never belonged...

Daniel's point of view
I could see viola was shaking violently in he chair and she was sweating a lot and her heart rate was going up every second. "Good." I said "She is the one." I paced around the room contemplating the situation. Suddenly out of the blue viola began to speak
"Why are you taking powers?"
I checked to make sure she was still in the Mind control. She was.
"Well you see viola I steal people's powers to make the ultimate weapon and you viola are going to be the person that has all of the powers transferred into you but In order for that to work your powers have to be taken from you and merged with everybody's powers we have ever taken in the past so when we put it into you - you will be the ultimate weapon and your mind will do anything I tell you to do via computer link because you are connected up to all wires and machines for the powers to go into your body and be compatible with you."

"What are you going to do with me?"

"You my dear are the ultimate weapon. Everyday you will come back for more power to be inserted into you and to make sure we will put a chip into your neck! So we can control you and your mind!"

I walked towards Viola still in her dream state believing everything that I put into her mind. In my hand I held and silver gun filled with a liquid chip that can never come out of her body. I placed it on her neck then pushed it down. It released a glowing white liquid into her veins.
"Now for the second step!" I call over the nurses and doctors to put in the tube to take out her powers and to combine them with the other powers. Once in her veins all of her power will go into a metal tube marked:
Danger Viola's Powers
I stared at her in disbelief as her body began to push back the liquid chip that was meant so we can locate her and control everything she does. A read alert began to descend in the room as I covered my ears in pain and watched all the doctors do the same. It was like her body was fighting back the chip and trying to keep hold of her power in her soul! When she is done she will hopefully be the only one to survive this.... hopefully! But the important matter is her body is fighting back!

Viola's point of view
I couldn't think or breathe the vines were too tight and I was too weak! Suddenly in my last moments my eyes began to go foggy and I could see what was actually happening my power was emitting from me in a white mist. But something was wrong! Something was very wrong it was like my power.... was getting weaker and weaker until it felt like it was being ripped from my soul.... it was like my power was... was disappearing! I was heaving as my power and everyone else's power was far too much. I slowly began to loose consciousness...

Halle's point of view
I was chained to the wall where Daniel had taken me. Where am I? I thought and where is Viola? I just lates there as the chains around my wrist got tighter and tighter until I could barley move. I could recognise this metal it was the same one Vinos had used on me one time when she did experiments on me. It stops my powers -and everyone's powers- working if they are in a close enough range.
Suddenly my view changed and I saw Vinos walking in the room. I guess she recovered from Violas accidental power surge. But something seemed a bit... off  about her now.
"I guess you are wondering what is off about me now eh?" Said Vinos sitting on a chair across from me.
"I know what's wrong!" I screamed struggling against the chains on my waist. It was her aurora. It was dark! Something had happened to her! She's started to laugh and she grabbed the oak chair and placed it under the door handle to lock the door and secured it by throwing a bed on the door. I shuffled back in surprise and fear. That only made her laugh more and more. She started to come towards me with a devilish look on her eyes. I tried to pull on my power. Nothing! What should I do! What can I do! She came closer and closer to me but in her hand she held a bloody knife. Tears trickled down my face as she placed the knife to my stomach.....

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin