Bonus Chapter: The Origins Of The Tribes

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Everyone was crowded around four pedestal table each one was clearly different from one another. The first one placed her palm onto the pedestal then all of the others did the same.
The first one spoke
"We will now all do our vows to take care of everyone in our tribe and welcome them in as our own flesh and blood because from this moment froward they will be and when we past our oldest descendant will take over our tribes." Said  Elizabeth Lowe ancestor to Halle Lowe.

Elizabeth Lowe was the leader of the elite Tribe council

"I vow to welcome everyone in my tribe as they were my own flesh and blood and vow to take care of them as long as my tribe will standand and my future descendant shall take over my tribe when I pass." Said Avalon Parker ancestor to Kotryna Parker

"I vow to welcome everyone in my tribe as they were my own flesh and blood and vow to take care of them as long as my tribe will stand and my future defendant shall take over my tribe when I pass." Said Marita Nori ancestor to Mikelle Nori

"I vow to welcome everyone in my tribe as they were my own flesh and blood and vow to take care of them as long as my tribe will stand and my future descendant shall take over my tribe when I pass." Said Alexandr Senaviev ancestor to Sam Senaviev

On the count of three they all pricked
there ginger and let 3 drops of blood fall onto the pedestal securing the founding of the 4 tribes.
Of course there are many other tribes but these are the first 4 ever created.

From that moment forward the 4 tribes were created to help and protect and care for anyone with the same magical abilities as the leaders. But what happens when there is this one rare ability that doesn't belong in a tribe? That has never had another person with that ability?

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