Meeting the Tribes

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I woke up in the chamber with Halle by my side and Kotryna, Mikelle and Sam. They were all wearing robes trimmed with different colours. Halle's was light blue, Sam was a light grey, Mikelle was a black, Kotryna's was green. When I looked down at my clothes I was in a white blanket still with my white clothes on. I sat up slowly because I had a really bad headache because of my power surge yesterday. Halle went over to Mikelle, Sam and Kotryna and said something to them. They nodded in approval of something which I didn't know what they agreed to.

"Viola these including me are the four original tribes I am the leader of the tribe council because my tribe and me is the strongest." Said Halle

"I am the leader of the Calming and Healing and super strength tribe, even though I am the oldest my tribe isn't the strongest and neither am I the strongest is Halle. But I am the second strongest tribe." Said Sam

"I am the leader of the Life and Death tribe. Me and my tribe are the third strongest." Said Mikelle

"I am the leader of the Elemental tribe. My tribe and me are the fourth strongest which means we are weaker than the other tribes and people in those tribes." Said Kotryna

Halle came back over to me and sat down next to me in her hand was a small tablet and a glass of water.
"Open." Asked Halle
I did exactly what she said and she popped the pill on my mouth and gave me the glass of water. I drank it down swallowing the pill.
"Okay so now she has taken that pill what do you suggest we do now Halle?" Asked Mikelle.
Fear shot through my body and Sam because he can comfort people felt it so he asked Halle to talk to me using her telepathy.

"Viola it's okay calm down"
"How can I calm down when you have me a pill that I don't know what it does!"
"Okay promise you won't tell anyone Viola, the pill is to transfer you into your greatest fears so you can use your powers to defeat or at the least control your fears."
Halle ended the mind link.

"No!" I screamed "I won't do it my fears are worse than any of you can imagine! What if I have a power surge!?"

"Calm down Viola!" Said Kotryna as she could see the white mist coming out of my soul

"Someone calm her down she is on the brink of a flame out!" Said Mikelle frightened

I could feel myself loosing control as the white mist emerged from my soul covering the entire room. Everyone shrieked in pain as I changed their emotions from fear to pain and made them fall in the ground using my powers. I was so uncontrollable that I started to float in the air as my powers surged around everyone. I was in so much pain and so was everyone else.
I could feel myself loosing consciousness all my energy drained I started to feel more dizzy than I did before. My eyes rolled back into my head then I collapsed onto the muddy floor my body fully drained of energy and all of the Tribal leaders gasping as the pain is released from them as the white mist goes back into me.

"While she is out we can still put her into her training." Said Kotryna

"Are you sure that's wise?" Asked Sam and Mikelle simultaneously

"She won't agree otherwise but if she gets too crazy someone has to go in there with her. I appoint myself for that responsibility she is my best friend I have to protect her!"

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