The Truth Comes Out {Pt. 2}

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She came closer and closer to me digging the knife deeper into my stomach. I screamed as I could feel my blood seeping out. All she did was laugh and chuckle. I'm running out of time please someone help me. I have to stall her!
"Why.. are you doing... this?" I Asked while my breath was quick
"Well since the power surge I decided anyone with powers can kill me so I have to kill all of them!"
"Well you can't kill me!"
"Oh dear I can!"

She took a step closer to me swinging the knife in every direction. I clenched my belly and the blood seized to stop gushing out. I screamed as she took a swing at my neck and caught it on my skin. I was inched from death but I knew for Viola I had to hold on I just had to. So I grabbed the chain on my wrist and pulled as hard as I could then clank the chain bronze into two long pieces. I stood up wearily but hunched over. I clenched onto the two chains as tight as I could. Then I began to swing it and use my skills in karate and tai kwando to fight against Her I learnt all of these tricks from when my grandmother taught my mother then my mother taught me then I taught Viola. I began to swing it this way and that flipping my body back and forth to avoid getting beaten. I walked straight forward and pulled the rust chain around her neck pulling her back against the wall as much as I could.

I chained her neck to the wall and pushed my forearm to her neck just enough so she can still breathe.
"I told you I can beat you!"
"You sure did!"
My belly was still bleeding I had to hold it before I would collapse.
"Where is the medicine!?" I screamed
"I will never tell!"
I pushed my forearm deeper into her throat until I could feel her airways begin to crack.
"Okay okay..." she coaxed our with "it's in the safe..."
"What safe!?"
"-the safe in where I first tortured you!"
I took a step back in shock as she laughed and coughed out blood. I tightened the chain on her neck and took the knife she had in her hand for a weapon to protect me until I could feel my powers coming back. They were coming back little bit by little. I backed away to the door and opened it at a crack and began to run.... run faster than I would have ever before with a bleeding belly.....


Mikelle's Point of view
I ate my bread and berry's as fast as I could so I could continue on my trails. My senses told me I was close. Very close. I climbed up a willow tree to set my camp. I tied myself to the tree with my rope making sure I wouldn't fall on the ground. I started straight at the sky it was sunrise the sun was beautiful. So many different shades of red, orange, and yellow and on occasion purple and pink. I rested my head on the bark of the tree just staring at the sky for a little rest until I continue on my way to find the lab. God it had been a long time since I was there....

I remember the tests and the limited time I had to play and eat and basically get my body clean and healthy. I was in the cafeteria eating he mush we had been given and one apple slice and one cup of water and cheese. I sat next to Rosie we talked and talked until he came. He strides right up to us with his broad muscles and his cropped hair. In the lab we weren't allowed long hair so we all got them cut. My hair was just above my shoulders and it was still a beautiful auburn. Whereas Rosie's was a beautiful daw with a tint of brown. He finally got to our table and that was the worst thing that could happen because he was a few feet taller then us and older and more... harmed in a way.

He slammed his fists straight down and not the metal table and with our shock we saw when he lifted his fists up slowly we saw two fist sized dents in the metal Alloide. The strongest metal in the universe, He then sat straight down and stared at us with pure red eyes and said angrily
"This is my table so go before I make you!"
I started to get up but then Rosie grabbed my arm and pulled me back down onto the seat.
"You don't own this seat! We got here first!" Said Rosie
But that only made him mad because he screamed and shouted
"THEN I WILL MAKE YOU!" He reaches straight for me but Rosie went in the way and he grabbed her throat banging get head against he wall. She clawed for air as his grip tightened. I could see her eyes almost rolling back into her head and her arms going droop I had to do something! But what? Before even thinking I stood up and ran for the boy I quickly grabbed his rust and pulled on my powers my black mist emitted from my arm all the way to my hand and began to take away his life. I could feel him slipping as his life force went into the sky floating out of his body. His grip loosened on Rosie and she fell to the floor. Unconscious. I couldn't feel my hand which meant I couldn't let go! I tried to pull my power back into me but I couldn't. I was too strong! I screamed as he began to have some sort of seizure and began to shake and foam to the mouth on the floor. Many armed guards came and then only then I managed to pull my hand free. But it was too late his lifeless body lay there still. Peaceful even but not in a way. I ran straight towards Rosie and checked her pulse. Good. She was still alive. I started with with relief as her chest moved up and down and she was still breathing.

I let her head test in my arms as tears trickled down my cheating as I saw the guards put the boys lifeless body on a stretcher to the room they called. Power Elimination. That's where they take away the diseased body's powers. I cradled her in my arms as I knew where they were going to take me. They pulled me from Rosie and began to drag me kicking and screaming to the pole. The pole of torture and torment where anyone that has broken the rules gets Electro shocked 25 times until they are almost dead. I have never been there before. This is my first time.....

I pushed those memories to the back of my mind and wiped tie tears from my face. I have to forget about that and continue on my mission to find Halle and Viola. I united myself and packed my rope back in my bag and jumped down from the tree where I was perched. Suddenly I felt a shred of pain like someone I loved was disappearing!
"Viola!" I screamed
I started to run all the way to where I saw a white building. I knew Viola was in danger and I had to get to her before it was too late!


Halle's point of view
I struggled my whole world was a daze. God I needed sam right now! Then my mind suddenly flickered to something in my pocket. It was a flask marked
Sam's gift to help  Healing Powers
I suddenly remembered Sam gave me this gift a long time ago and I have never let it leave my sight or body. I completely forgot about it. I quickly grabbed the flask and began to put a few drops on my tongue.

I placed the flask back in my pocket preparing for the sudden light blue outburst of power spreading throughout my body going to my wound healing it and pulling the wound together until when I lifted my shirt there Wells no more blood! Not even a scar! I whispered "thank you sam." Even though he couldn't hear me I still felt like I had to say it. I guess I had no use for the medicine in the safe after all.

I decided to go to the safe anyway, I creaked past a few doors and where she said the safe was hidden miraculously  the safe was no where to be seen! What the-. Wait there was no safe! Vinos tricked me! I would have died looking for the supposed safe that doesn't even exist! This is what she wanted! Is for me to die but no I'm not I'm alive and I am stronger than ever!
I started to run down the corridor farther away from place where Vinos said the safe was held.

I eventually stopped I looked at where I had ended up I was in a place with multiple doors they looked like the V.R rooms to test people for powers. Oh god! I knew what they were doing to Viola! I quickly ran as fast as I could onto the only room that said *PRIVATE* on the door and stood by the side of it pearling at it through the corner of my eyes. I was far more smarter than they were so I knew the best strategy was to be sly. In the room I saw Viola bounded to a bed breathing and sweating heavily and Daniel laughing and staring at a vile marked with
Danger Violas Powers Soon to be merged with others powers
I gasped and covered my mouth what is he trying to do to Viola. I guess there is only one way to find out! I was just about to kick my way into the room when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room. I tried to run but they locked the door. It was so dark in here only a little bit of light I guess this was an interrogation room.
"Step into the light!" I screamed
They did and to my relief it was Mikelle. I ran straight towards her and hugged her tight.
"How did you get here!?" I Asked
"That's a story for another time but now how are we going to save Viola!?"

I suddenly had an idea
"Mikelle?" I asked
"What do you know about Double combo attacks?"
At that Mikelle smiled and I took my hands in mine and just held her in a hug for as little big as I could. I looked to my left and noticed a security camera and quickly started at Mikelle and shocked filled her face as I pulled free form the hug.
"What's wrong!"
"They have been watching us..."

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz