Who is he?

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*beep beep beep*

"Is she awake?" Asked Kotryna with crossed arms

"Maybe.... what we saw was-." Said Mikelle guiltily

"Just forget about it-it never happened!" Blurred out Halle pushing back tears

"Yeah she doesn't deserve the embarrassment-."

There was await sloth in my eyes as I felt dizzy and opened my eyes slightly to see Halle, Kotryna, Mikelle, Sam.

"Shes okay!" Said Halle cheerfully

I tried to sit up but felt dizzy when I did so Halle used her telekinesis to steady me. I swung my legs over the bed and noticed I was in a hospital robe. And in a hospital bed. Sudden memories flushed back to me of the time I was abused. I sighed and place my palm on my forehead.

"Halle what happened?" I said as I tried to stand up but ended up in collapsing into Sam's arms.

"You were the only one to survive seeing that kind of..." sam cleared his throat before sleeping again "- experience."
Sam grabbed hold of my arms to stop me collapsing.
"What happened to my training?" I asked

"Virtual training and SAM pushed the off button!" Moaned Kotryna as she glared at Sam. Sam glared at her back

"Well if I didn't turn it off she could have-." Shouted Sam

"Could have what! Sam huh could have actually completed it rather then everyone looking at her like she is a hero she is no hero! She doesn't belong here! She never did!" Shouted Kotryna while poking Sam in the shoulder many times.

"Kotryna! Sam! Stop!" Screamed Mikelle but Kotryna wrapped her in vines to stop her from interfering

Sam's anger overtook his intelligence he clicked his knuckles and grey mist appeared in his hands he suddenly jumped in he air and pinned Kotryna in the wall. Kotryna's eyes were bulging as Sam said

"Don't you EVER talk about my friends like that look at what she has been though how would you like-."

Sam stopped in the middle of his sentence when he felt something cold touch his back Kotryna's powers were freezing his body. Sam didn't loosen his grip on her throat in fact it got tighter when his hand and his body froze. He kept his hand around Kotryna's throat.
She was loosing breath then sparked a fire in her fingers then melted the ice on her hands then pulled herself free of Sam's grasp.

Sam's blood was becoming colder by the second. Kotryna was gasping for air as I shakily walked forward to her..... I concentrated in Kotryna's souls pulling at it with all of my might. I saw the white mist coming out from my body. My soul. That was it my souls was traveling towards Kotryna as Halle catches my falling body.

"Viola!" She screamed "can you hear me?" Halle's eyes were filled with fury at sam and Kotryna they knew better than this.

My soul continued to travel to Kotryna's gasping no body, my soul went straight forward into her chest putting my soul into her body. I was now in control. I made Kotryna walk forward to Sam and with a flock of her finger I made her light a flame I (Kotryna) placed the gland in Sam's body heating it and melting the ice. Sam was free but he fell straight to the floor. Halle had great reflexes so she used her telekinesis to set him down safely.

I let my soul give Kotryna back control of her body. She gasped as the white mist flew out of her chest and made its way back into my body. It went on, I gasped as my lungs filled with air and the blood flow continued again.

When Kotryna was able to get up so was Sam.
"That's it!" Said Sam "your going to get it!"
He prepared his super strength to give Kotryna what she deserved.

"Bring it!" Shouted Kotryna as she tried to intimidate him with vines.
They were ready to fight. Sam was ready Kotryna was ready.

"ENOUGH GUYS!" Halle said no one listened
Halle had to stop this she put me in a sitting position and got up. She stood in between them with her hands spread out between them.
"This has gone on long enough! Stop!" Said Halle angrily.

While she was occupied with Sam and Kotryna I walked over to Mikelle and began to untie her. I told her to thank me later.
"Go Viola let Halle deal with this." Said Mikelle as she thanked me in a hug and left before things got to heated before she went she said

"Good luck finding a new sparing partner Kotryna!" Shouted Mikelle

"This is all because of Viola!" Shouted Kotryna while pointing at me

"No it isn't!" Shouted Sam

"Don't start!" Shouted Halle

If I am causing all of these arguments why should I even be here? I should just go.
Halle read my mind and knew what I was doing:
Viola don't do anything stupid! Said Halle
As long as I am here there will always be suffering, thanks for being so kind to me bye Halle

I ignored anything else Halle said to me in my mind and quietly walked out of the infirmary. Taking one last look at my former home. 
I started to walk but the. I broke into a run. As I ran faster and faster I bumped into something. I bumped into a boy

"Hello Viola I finally found you your the one we needed all along!" Said a boy
"Who are you?" I asked confused at what he meant by 'your the one we needed all along'
"Your friend."
"No you are not now get out of my way!"
"Oh poor Viola I can't do that I need you so say good night."
I was confused but suddenly I understood what he meant because something hit my temple then I blacked out..... my last vision was of the boy laughing.....

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now