First Day Of Training... Virtually

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It was like I was inside a dream but it wasn't a dream. It felt real. It was like I had to face my worst fears! My first fear came up to me, in my mind the last fear is always the worst.

I was in an empty field all around me no one to be seen. I'm all alone and rejected. This is my first fear. Everywhere I turned there was no one. I started to scream and shout but no one could hear me or see me, it started to feel real this was real! I cradled my self in a ball. Suddenly I saw someone come towards me I rushed straight for them trying to speak to them. They wouldn't listen to me when I shouted and when I walked in-front of them. I screamed my lungs out saying
"Look at me!"
Suddenly realisation compelled me. It was Halle, then Sam came, the Kotryna, then Mikelle. They were all here and none of them were taking any notice in me until Halle came over to me and grabbed me by the throat and said "Just go back to your parents you don't belong here! I'm not your friend you never belong here! You will NEVER be one of us! Your a danger, a disgrace, a freak!"
They all started to laugh and point at me as I was loosing air.
Suddenly I screamed and projected my white mist into everyone there. Halle suddenly dropped me and crawled on the floor in pain and so did everyone else as I changed their actions into crawling on the floor in pain and their disgust into pain and fear.

Suddenly everything started to disappear. Me, Halle, everyone they faded away.

The scene started to transform into my home I was on my garden I looked around the swing was broken. Check. The fences were not connected to the wall. Check. This was my home. In my hans I held a teddy bear it was white like a polar bear. Now I remember it. It was my teddy snowflake a polar bear. I hugged it tightly until my mum started walking towards me. I shakes with fear because in here hand was a hammer. God no! I know what happens when she has that hammer! I quickly got to my feet I tried to run indoors but in the door way was my father holding a beer can in one hand and a sledge hammer in the other. Snowflake fell out of my hands and on the floor. I walked back slowly only to bang into my mother with her hammer in her hand and my father banging his sledge hammer in his hands. I was shaking with fear as they stepped towards me. They stated only hitting my legs with the hammer and sledge hammer until they heard my bones crack. I screamed in pain as they wouldn't stop. After they were sure my legs were shattered they started hitting my feet and arms until they were shattered, then my hands, then finally my rib cage. By the end of this I was screaming in agony. This isn't real I thought but the truth is it is real. There was nothing I could do to stop them so I just payed there until they were sure they had beefed me senselessly. Tears trickled down my cheeks but they were red. Blood. My body was officially beaten. My mum returned to say one last thing
"You are a disgrace to our family name!" She woofed the smell of beer in my face as she said that.
"Now we are going to leave you here broken and bruised but if you manage to survive this we may give you another chance but that is very unlikely!" She laughed and coughed in my face as the speed of tears increased. I couldn't defeat them. This was my worst fear. My parents were my worst fear!


Meanwhile with The tribe leaders.
"We should shut this off!" Screamed Halle as Kotryna and Sam held her away from Morgan that was connected to a heart monitor, wires connected to her temple that went to the screen so they could see what she saw. Halle was frantically trying to take the wires off of her temples and push the release button.
"I agree with Halle." Said Sam "Look, her heart rate is going down she is dying if we don't let her go she will die!" Sam pleased with Kotryna and Mikelle to push the off button.
Suddenly without warning Sam rushed towards the off button diving under Kotryna and Mikelle that tried to stop him. He stood up and said "We have to stop this NOW!" He slammed his fist down on he red button.


I could feel my life slipping away as all of my bones were broken and I had internal bleeding. I felt my eyelids get heavier so I thought Give In. I did exactly that I felt so tired and so week that I gave in. Everything went black as I filled as though my life was being pulled out of me. Suddenly I felt like I could reach and feel and see everyone's souls. I started to tug at Halle's soul it was like I was in control of her body I started to move her forward to Kotryna.
"Halle?" "What are you doing?" Asked Sam
It was like I was in control of her body. I let go of her soul, and she was gasping for air as I returned to my own body.

"It was Viola she was in control of my soul it was like I couldn't control my own body!"

"I think we have found another power she can control souls." Said Sam
Everyone looked shocked, fascinated and scared.
I saw all of the souls and started to tug on Kotryna's soul making her do the chicken dance. Then I let go.

"Yeah." Gasped Kotryna "that's definitely Viola!"

I blinked a few times then closed my eyes again.
"Viola are you there?" Pleased Sam as tears filled his and Halle's eyes. Just like that Mikelle and Kotryna turned around as well no tears in their eyes they just looked sad and bowed their heads.
When I was out through what I thought was real it felt like I was actually being beaten up again.
"Viola it's me Halle we save everything, I never thought-." She had to stop herself from crying "- I never thought that was why you were in hospital for nearly a month that day. I should have stopped them with my powers I should have been there."
Halle crude on my body with trembling hands I hugged her and used what was left of my strength to say
"It...wasn''t...know." I closed my eyes and let my hands drop from exhaustion.
Halle suddenly looked terrified as well as everyone else. Mikelle rushed over to check the heart monitor whilst Sam refused to let go of my hand. Halle started to stroke my hair.
"She's still alive!" Spoke Mikelle "but barely no one else has ever been able to survive that kind of beating in their mind!"
"She's strong!" Contemplated Sam "from the first time I saw her I knew she was strong."

"She's the strongest person I know she will pull through I just know it!" Said Halle in her mind she thought 'I hope'

Kotryna pulled Halle off of me so they could monitor me to see if I would make it. But little did they know I was having to face Desmond's of my own in there and this time there was no one there to switch the off button...

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt