The One I Trust

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I was walked down Elm street road when I heard a buzz in my pocket. I looked down and saw a bright light in my jumper pocket. It was my phone. I took it out and flipped the cover. It was Halle. I guess I should tell you about Halle.
Halle is my best friend she has been there for me when no one else would, she always knows what to say to make me happy and she always has my back.
In school that is the only place I am happy and when I am with her I feel at home.

I picked up the phone:
"Hey Viola what's up?"
"Halle it's urgent  can I crash at your place for a few hours please?"
"Of course I will meet you at my house okay!"
"Yeah okay."
The call ended and I snapped my phone back into my pocket. Only a few more miles until I get to Halle's house. I sighed. I stared to feel something pull onto me like the entire surroundings were changing around me. It transformed into Halle's house then she opened the door and we were on our way to Belgium. Suddenly the surroundings changed back to the normal grey street with the grey sky and the shallow people.


I blinked away that image as I lugged the suit case all the way to 58 Elm street. I sighed before I rung the doorbell. Halle suddenly opened the door. I couldn't control the flush of emotions going through my mind. I burst out sobbing! Halle wrapped her arms around me in a protective way that made me feel safe, as she led me into her house.

We were now in her bedroom as I explained everything that happened. Now the truth came out I told her about how my parents beat me that time when I was in need of surgery and how my parents tried to kill me today.

Halle covered her mouth in shock. I started to cry. She embraced me with one of those protective hugs that always made me feel safe.

"I wish you would have told me when it first started." Halle said whilst we hugged I started to cry and speak at the same time,

"I c-couldn't they w-would have k-killed a-anyone that k-knew." I said as I sniffled

Halle kept me in that hug for almost 20
Minutes but then I had to tell her about the second thing that happened. So I pulled free of the hug and told her.

You see Halle knew all about this because she has a secret that she just revealed. Halle started to talk to me but in her mind!
"Hi Viola" said Halle in her mind "don't freak out okay I am special just like you I have telepathy and telekinesis I can talk to people in my mind and move objects with my mind. I can teach you all about your power and how to harness it but we have to go now!" Halle stopped talking to me in my mind.
"Halle what do you mean? what? how did you!?" I said
"VIOLA CALM DOWN! I will explain everything as soon as we leave hurry we have to go!" Halle started to get her suit case from under her bed and arrange all of her clothes into it. I remained silent until-
"Halle I'm scared" I blurted that out.
Halle looked motherly and pulled me in to a hug. Halle kept me in a hug and calmly and gently said "It will be okay Viola. I promise."

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now