The Truth comes out {Pt. 3}

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(A/N: Story inspired by fellow writer and friend

Gone the days were things were simple, easier than this right now.

I held Mikelle as I whispered something in her ear. She seemed to understand because we slowly moved to the light on the dead in the interrogation room.
"Now!" I screamed as Mikelle shined the light straight at the camera and I grabbed a chair and hit the camera with it. It shattered into big lumps of black electrical wires and machinery. Now they can't watch us!

Mikelle's point of view:
I was relieved that I finally found this place after so many years and was more relieved to find Halle alive. But there was one more thing that was troubling her. I could tell so I looked at her and said
"What's wrong?"
Halle looked straight at me and without holding back said
"They wanted you here ,Daniel, I mean he wanted you for bait!"
"I know he did. So that's why I came so we could teach him a lesson he will never forget!"
Halle had a very cunning smile in her face which meant she had a plan but first I just had to ask her
"Do you still have your powers?" I wasn't blunt I needed to no as fast as possible
"I... I don't know let me try and use them."
Halle then extended out her arm and hovered it over he rubble of the camera she felt a twinge in her arm then it went all the way down to her fingers.

Then she emitted a very bright yellow colour from her fingertips which then miraculously made the rubble lift into the air as Halle was using her Telekinesis. She then let it fall straight to the ground with excitement she quickly locked herself into the telepathic link she had with multiple of her friends
H: Hi Mikelle
Mi: Halle you still have your powers
H: Yeah I guess I do I guess they only really took a small fraction of it!

She then stopped the link do to having a major headache. I quickly sat her down on the floor against the wall and felt her pulse. It was a bit fast but she will be okay it's just because she has been prevented form using her powers for a long time.

I gently pulled Halle to her feat as she rubbed her temples. I saw her discomfort as i tried to move her to the last guy to examine her. Everything was okay except from the swelling in her temple area. What should I do!? I thought I can't just leave her like this! I didn't know what to do except make her fall asleep by using my powers. If I use them to a certain extent they can make people go unconscious for maybe 2 - 8 hours long depending on how much and how strong my power is that I use. I gently placed the palm of my hand onto Halle's forehead I felt her struggling to get away as she started to feel weaker and weaker to the point where she just had to relax and couldn't stop struggling anymore. She finally let her eyes close shut and she fell into a deep sleep. However There was just one problem... I couldn't take my hand away from Halle it was like my Powers was stuck I couldn't separate my power from Halle and that would mean my powers would... kill her just like they did to that boy a long time ago. I started to pull my hand but no movement occurred. Halle's skin changed from a dark shade of brown-ish to a very light porcelain skin tone. Oh no this is VERY bad. There was only one choice. I scrambled around for anything I could use as a weapon ,specially metal, metal is all powerful being weakness it's just different types of metals that affect certain beings. Mine is Magnesium. I was using my free hand to find a price of frozen magnesium and then without hesitation I placed it to my mouth and swallowed it. Almost instantaneously my hand was free from Halle and her skin tone started to revert back to normal. I felt myself feeling woozy and faint. My one weakness was talking ahold of me and I couldn't stop it... so I just gave in


Halle's point of view:
I felt my vision starting to come back to me slowly but surely. I saw Mikelle lying there with the magnesium melting in her mouth and dripping from the corner of her lip. No what did she do! I pulled in my strength to help me get up and I rushed straight for her using my telekinesis to lock in on the magnesium that was slowly killing her from the inside out. I managed to spot it and I started to use my power,even though it hurt, to pull the magnesium out of her body in liquid from. It started to trickle down her lip more faster and vigorously now. Mikelle started to shake and choke on as cough up magnesium. That means I wasn't too late. I rested my back against the wall in relief. Now we have to save Viola before it's too late. But first I have to figure out the Double-combo attack with Mikelle.

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