First Power Surge

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It's like I just dreamt about the "Origins of the Tribes" but how can I! I don't even know what they are!  Someone walled straight towards me and turned the vines into ashes. Killing them. "Hello Viola the tribe leaders want you. Come with me." I got out of the bed but I still didn't know her name so I asked
"What's your name?"
"Mikelle. that's all I can say for now."
"How did you know my name?"
"All will be revealed."
Mikelle gestures for me to follow her, so I do.

As we were walking I noticed he weather was dramatically Changing I asked Mikelle what that was and she replied with
"That's just Kotryna and her tribe practicing their powers."
That made more sense now. I asked her something I should have asked Halle but I asked too distracted. I didn't ask her already did I? Well no harm in making sure!
"Where are we?" I asked
"Belgium,Viola in the Zenzala forest."
"Mikelle?" I asked "what other people with powers are there?"
Mikelle had to think for a moment.
"There's Halle which I suggest you already know her powers, Me my powers are life and death, Kotryna her powers are elemental, and-."
She stopped right there and I wondered what she was about to say when she shakes her head and said "Don't worry about what I was going to say just continue to follow me."
I was still curious but I guess I had to let it go.

I continued to follow her until we stopped at this beautiful totem where marked on it says Tribal totem. Mikelle placed her palm onto it then it flowed a bright baby blue colour. What was that? I thought In a flash something opened.... it was like a passage way but not. I leant down to see what was in there but as I went to look back at Mikelle kicked me down with the flat of her foot! I had to grab ahold of something for dear life. I grabbed onto a tree root but it was about to break I had to think fast. That's it! I used my powers of changing ones actions to make myself climb down like a skilled climber. The white mist projected out of me and went towards me to change my actions. I was now at the bottom but I was in for a big surprise... Halle was there! She left me on the streets. I could have died! Or worse!

My anger boiled up inside of me as I felt I was loosing control of my power. It was causing a power surge around me and Halle. Transforming the area into different scenery's every second Changing her emotions and actions every time I looked at her. I screamed and fell onto the ground my hands covering my ears trying to take away the distant screams only I could hear but nothing would work until.... Halle used her Telepathy to calm my mind with her soothing voice. Even after that I was still cradling myself in the muddy ground. She tried to get me up but I just screamed "NO! LET GO OF ME!"
Halle had to find another solution. But she had to think fast otherwise my power could destroy everything and everyone. Halle knew there was only one solution left.
There was only one solution she had to call in Sam....

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now